Tesla's 2022 shareholders' meeting recap & video

By Dan Burkland
2022 Tesla shareholders' meeting

Tesla held its 2022 shareholders' meeting yesterday. At the event, Tesla discussed a variety of products and features including FSD Beta 10.13, the Cybertruck, Tesla Superchargers, and a new Tesla factory.

You can watch the entire event below (starts at the 2 minute mark), or read Dan Burkland's recap, which was originally posted on dburkland.com.

Part 1 - Formal Shareholder Items

• Martin - Intro

Robyn Denholm

• Global fleet of cars and vehicles to avoid 8.4M metric tons of green house gas emissions

• Avoided emissions that were equivalent to ICE vehicles driving 20B miles

• By 2030 Tesla plans to sell 20M vehicles / year

• In June 2022 Tesla achieved the highest vehicle production month in their history

• Tesla continues to make an impact w/ Solar & Energy Storage business

• Tesla sold 4 GWH of energy storage products in 2021, enough to power 3M homes

• Solar demand has increased 4x

• Goal is for all factories to be carbon neutral

• Tesla already uses less water per vehicle than any other automaker

• Sustainability drives everything Tesla does

Stockholder Proposals

• Proxy Statement: document

Part 2 - Elon's Presentation / Q & A Session

• Attempting to achieve a 2M vehicle / year run rate by end of 2022

• Tesla just recently produced their 3 millionth vehicle

• Looking back 10 years ago, Tesla only made 2500 Roadsters and maybe a couple hundred Model S (August 2012)

• “Cleanest exponentials” -Elon Musk

• $TSLA shareholders have approved the 3-for-1 stock split

2022 Tesla shareholders' meeting

• Important to note the increase in strong free cash flow is occurring before autonomy

FSD Beta 10.13

• “This year I swear” (FSD being released to public)

• “Made some significant architectural improvements with FSD Beta 10.13 release, might qualify for 10.69” -Elon Musk

• “It's gotta earn that” -Elon Musk

• “We are going to solve Chuck's turn” -Elon Musk

• “Roughly 90% success rate w/ Chuck's turn”

• “Might be next week” -Elon Musk

• “It's working well for me” -Elon Musk

• FSD will save lives by driving an order of magnitudes safer than people

• Tesla has the highest operating margin in the entire industry

2022 Tesla shareholders' meeting

• Every time a competitor advertises for EVs Tesla notices an increase in sales

• Model Y is tracking to be highest vehicle by revenue by end of 2022 and highest by unit by end of 2023


• Tesla will soon be ready to announce another factory location by end of 2022

• Tesla plans to eventually have 10-12 Giga Factories 

• Each factory will have the capacity to produce 1.5-2M vehicles per year

• Fremont factory is highest output car factory in North America

• Elon thinks it's going to be a friendly competition between Berlin, Fremont, and Texas (Shanghai hard to beat)

• Tesla has produced more energy than it consumes (includes vehicle charging)

2022 Tesla shareholders' meeting

• Tesla battery recycling is already happening at a rate of 50 packs per week in Nevada

• Continues to scale

• Not that many batteries to recycle since their longevity has been really good so far (more of a longterm play)

Master Plan: Part 3

• Will be focused on scaling

• “What are all the things needed to achieve a fully sustainable global economy”

• Cathode materials

• Aluminum, Etc.

• Goal is to reiterate this is absolutely doable and that we want it to be done as fast as possible

2022 Tesla shareholders' meeting

Vehicle Structure

• Lighter

• Stiffer

• Better NVH

• Better in pretty much every way when compared to stamped underbody construction


• Model Y requires only 30% of robots needed to produce vehicles as required by the Model 3

• Improved layout of factory where it is now a signal monolithic factory

2022 Tesla shareholders' meeting

• Eventually all cars will be self driving but it will be hard to replicate Tesla's manufacturing capabilities

Working at Tesla

• Employees are free to switch between SpaceX & Tesla

• Factory safety has dramatically improved, Elon believes they now have the safest factories in the business

• Tesla has encouraged employees to submit suggestions on improving factory safety with a goal of 3 suggestions per employee (They have since met that goal and safety has increased as a result)

• 3M job applicants over last year

Supercharger Network

• 99.96% uptime

• Continue to deploy V3 Superchargers, V4 set to be deployed next year

• Elon mentioned that more good news regarding the Supercharger network is coming


• Tesla has a very detailed feedback loop when it comes to vehicle crashes

• Auto seat belt tensioning is an example of how Tesla continues to improve safety via OTA updates

• Activated via Autopilot AI when a crash is 99.99%+ sure to happen

FSD Beta

2022 Tesla shareholders' meeting

• Tracking to well over 100M miles by end of 2022

• Wide spread release by end of 2022, will be available to anybody who requests it

AI Day: Part 2

• September 30th, 2022

• Elon believes Optimus will turn the notion of what an economy is on its head

Next Decade

• 10 years ago they had less than 3000 cars, now its more than 3M

• Elon thinks vehicle production should be able to exceed over 100M 10 years from now


Plans for Cash

• Tesla has used a small amount of its available cash for acquisitions and that will continue to be the case unless the right opportunity arrises (automation, software, manufacturing, etc.)

• Spending CapEx and R&D money as fast as they can without wasting it

• Share buyback may be in the cards as long as there isn't another force majeure event


• 12 factories seems to be the perfect number with a maximum production rate of 2M vehicles per factory


• Specs and pricing will be different (a lot has changed since 2019)

• Inflation and various issues are to blame

• Production equipment & tooling will begin getting installed in Giga Texas, volume production still targeted by mid-2023

US & China Tension

• Elon hopes for peace and respect between the US & China

Supercharger Locations

• Permits are extremely hard to obtain in some areas (ex. Malibu)

• Tesla continues to prioritize new Supercharger locations by busiest locations

• Elon mentioned there will be an online poll where people can vote where they want new Supercharger locations built

• Trying to do more fun things when it comes to Supercharger locations (ex. Futuristic Diner in Hollywood)

4680 Output

• Tesla is making a decent number of 4680 cells each week and Elon projects that they'll be in high volume production by end of 2022

• 4680 production does not yet impact vehicle output however it will in 2023

Master Plan

• New master plan not yet ready, plan to finish it by end of August 2022

Supply Chain

• Most of commodities that go into Tesla vehicles are trending down (cost) over next 6 months which suggests that we are past peak inflation

• Elon thinks we will have a relatively mild recession for 18 months (just a guess) and that inflation should drop rapidly


• AI is going to increase utility of passenger vehicles by 4-5x

• Vehicles will still cost the same to produce so gross margins are expected to rapidly increase

• Elon still believes folks will have the option to own a car, rent it out when they aren't using it, or simply rent somebody else's vehicle (ex. Uber)

• “Optimus will bring the future to now”


• Elon annoyed that most analysts don't drive Teslas which prevents them from having a good understanding of the Tesla customer experience


• Elon believes in strong product roadmap that will lead to success for quite some time

• Elon intends to stay with Tesla as long as he is useful, plans to continue to closely focus on factory & product design 

• Tesla would continue to do well even if he was kidnapped by aliens (or returned to his own planet haha)

• The only publicly traded securities Elon owns are $TSLA and $TWTR

• Believes he has a good sense of where to point the engineering team at $TWTR to make it radically better

• Thinks Twitter would accelerate his original vision of x.com by 3-5 years and be something that is very useful to the world


• Elon wanted to clarify he is pro-train

• Elon believes tunnels could solve virtually any traffic problems around the world and allow above ground road space to be reclaimed for parks

Dojo & Tesla Communicating w/ Each Other

• Goal #1 is to be really good at video training

• Approaching at being the 3rd most powerful super computer in the world (geared for AI training)

• Fundamentally focused on NN training which has never been done before

• Some merit with Teslas communicating with each other but not needed for FSD (traffic, accidents, pot holes, etc.)

Tesla Is Now Offering Cybertruck Test Drives [List of Locations]

By Karan Singh

Tesla has begun to reach out to customers in the United States and is offering demo drives of the Cybertruck on an invite-only basis. @brandonhd on X shared the first invite image, and it looks like it's going out quite quickly to multiple locations that have Cybertrucks on display.

Up until now, display vehicles have been for just that – looking, but no touching. Some Tesla delivery centers and showrooms have also allowed viewers to take a seat inside and open it up, but most are still locked away behind the velvet rope.

It’s exciting to see that Tesla has begun to demo them – and it can only be so long until demo drives open up to everyone.

Advisor-led Demo

This Demo Drive is led by a Tesla Advisor – while you’re driving, the advisor will be in the passenger seat, walking you through the experience. They’ll explain steer-by-wire, off-road controls, and will introduce new-to-Tesla buyers to all the features that are currently available.

Once FSD V12.5 comes to the Cybertruck, we’re sure they’ll be demoing its capabilities FSD capabilities as well.


The list of locations so far for demo drives appears to be fairly limited, but we will hopefully see demo drives roll out throughout the United States, and eventually Canada too. Here is the current list of city/state locations that have seen demo drive invites.

  • Manhasset, New York

  • West Covina, California

  • Los Angeles, California

  • Houston, Texas

  • Orlando, Florida

  • Westmont, Illinois

  • Tucson, Arizona

  • Phoenix, Arizona

  • Delaware

Musk Confirms 'Actually Smart Summon' is Coming in a Revision of FSD V12.5

By Karan Singh
Not a Tesla App

Actually Smart Summon, the successor to Tesla’s Smart Summon feature, has been confirmed to be coming as soon as next month as per Elon Musk. Colloquially known as “ASS”, Actually Smart Summon is supposed to improve on the regular Smart Summon capabilities, which have historically used ultrasonic sensors (USS) to navigate parking lots.

We’re looking forward to Actually Smart Summon, and we’re quite excited about what other features will be unlocked once it finally shows up at our doorstep.

Vision-based Improvements

ASS is supposed to bring Smart Summon to vehicles that don’t have USS – using Tesla Vision. Most recently, Tesla has brought Autopark to vehicles without USS, and Vision-based Autopark has been a huge success. It is faster, more reliable, and smoother than the older USS-based solution. It can also park and maneuver in tighter locations.

Just recently, Tesla returned the Model X’s self-presenting doors, using Tesla Vision. Vision has seen some fantastic improvements, and many people are waiting for ASS to bring forth these improvements to Smart Summon.

Smart Summon Today

Today, Smart Summon is sometimes useful at best, usually a party trick, or downright dangerous at worst. It’s excellent and best used in straight lines, where you have a clear line of sight of the vehicle, and can stop it if doesn’t see an obstacle.

I used Smart Summon today, just before writing this article – my 2022 Model Y (with USS) – did manage to show up just fine – in a straight-line location from where I was parked, after exiting the parking spot fairly cleanly. However, I’ve previously used Smart Summon and have had the vehicle turn towards obstacles, such as cart returns or curbs. Overall, it’s a sometimes-useful feature that has a lot of drawbacks right now.

Smart Summon is also restricted to a certain distance – and it's pretty small. The max distance is shorter than most parking lots, being only about 215 ft (65m). If you’re lucky enough to park close, it's very useful to bring your car right to you.

Actually Smart Summon

ASS will bring FSD V12-like capabilities to Smart Summon – the vehicle will primarily use Vision to drive toward you (or the location you’ve indicated). ASS has been supposed to be coming since about September 2022 and has seen many delays – we’re almost at the 2-year point today.

We’re looking forward to Actually Smart Summon being able to bring the vehicle – safely – right to you. ASS is also one of the key steps towards bringing some other cool features that Elon Musk has previously mentioned – Park Seek and Banish Autopark.

We’re also hopeful that Actually Smart Summon will increase the maximum range a vehicle can be summoned, because the current range is fairly small. Alongside Park Seek and Banish Autopark, we’re closing in on a Robotaxi-based future.

Park Seek and Banish Autopark

When the FSD v12.4 showed up, Elon also mentioned that going forward, vehicles would automatically park themselves when arriving in a parking lot – Park Seek – and that if you got out of the car at the entrance to a business, you could get it to automatically park itself in the parking lot – Banish Autopark. These are two features that are needed for Robotaxi to work – which itself is delayed to October 10th of this year. We’re looking quite forward to them – as in combination with Actually Smart Summon, Tesla has reached the cusp of vehicle autonomy.

A vehicle that arrives, driverless, at the location you’re at, then drives somewhere, parks itself there, and waits for you – is the definition of a Robotaxi.

While we’re likely to have to wait for Banish Autopark and Park Seek just a bit longer, Actually Smart Summon being around the corner is exciting! Gone will be the days of having to run out to your car when you forgot your umbrella – your car will just come right to you instead.

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