Level 5 autonomy is the Holy Grail of modern driving technology. It is essentially the point at which autonomous vehicle will be wholly self-sufficient on the roads â€" to the point that they may not even have steering wheels or pedals for drivers. And while this level of self-driving technology still seems like science fiction to many, we may also be closer to it than we think.
As was noted in our recap of Tesla discussions with the DMV, Elon Musk has even suggested that FSD will be at level 5 by the end of this year. Tesla's own engineers are dubious of this prediction, but it still speaks to the rapid progress some industry leaders are aiming for.
This begs the most interesting question of all, which is not when we'll see level 5 autonomous vehicles, but rather what a future with such vehicles will be like. Even if we reach this level at some time in the next five years it will represent a massive leap forward into an era that would once have seemed virtually impossible. So what exactly will it look like?
Public Transport Will Change
For a while now people have predicted that fully autonomous vehicles will ultimately replace taxis, Uber, and Lyft, such that whole fleets of robotic cars will be available to pick us up and drop us off as needed. Last year, we got an interesting look at a concept car that could serve this purpose when an Observer article on a GM unveiling showed us a self-driving vehicle that almost resembled a tiny bus or tram car. And for that matter, there is also the distinct possibility (if not inevitability) that autonomous tech will be used in city buses as well.
Add all of these possibilities up, and you quickly come to recognize a wholly evolved form of public transportation. This is one aspect of the transition to level 5 that is troubling to some, because unfortunately it will almost certainly mean a lot of job (and "gig") loss. Nevertheless, in time we'll almost certainly be summoning autonomous vehicles to move around town.
Vehicle Interiors Will Be Unrecognizable
It seems likely enough that the very first level 5 cars will resemble what we're used to. They may not have steering wheels or pedals, but for the most part they'll look like nice, modern cars â€" because they will probably be ordinary modern cars adapted to level 5. Over time though, the fact that humans aren't needed to drive will likely result in completely changed interiors. We could see video screens for entertainment, chairs that swivel around to face the rear, lounge-style seating in ordinary sedans, and all kinds of other changes.
We'll Have Cyber Support for Cars
This is an interesting point to consider because it actually represents intersecting trends: that of progression toward autonomous vehicles, and that of general cybersecurity needs. Regarding the latter, our world already revolves so much around digital practices and automated systems that cybersecurity has become one of the busiest fields of work. Young people are studying the subject on their way up through school with the hopes of finding strong jobs in the field. And many working adults are pursuing cybersecurity via online courses, so as to qualify for what Maryville University's online bachelors in cybersecurity brochure describes as a "booming industry," with significant growth and six-figure salary positions.
In short, the digitization of our world is already giving rise to an army of cybersecurity experts, and it's a virtual certainty that they'll be needed in support of vast new networks of level 5 autonomous vehicles. We'll likely be replacing much of what we think of now as car service with software updates, security patches, and general cyber support. Maintaining a vehicle may well be more like maintaining a computer than a present-day gas car.
Gas & Service Stations Will Vanish
As mentioned just above, a lot of the regular maintenance for level 5 vehicles will concern digital adjustments. We'll download system updates and check in with cyber experts now and then, perhaps through entirely digital means. We won't, however, conduct ordinary maintenance as we think of it today, from loading up on gas to pulling into a station for an oil change or engine tune-up. Accordingly, gas and traditional service stations will begin to vanish, and perhaps one day completely disappear.
A New World of Regulations & Rules Will Emerge
One of the more pessimistic assessments of self-driving progress we've seen of late came via an article by Swinburne University of Technology professor, who argued that for several reasons we're still pretty far off. We could quibble with the tech argument to no end, but the interesting point made by said professor was that regulations are not yet in place to manage a society full of level 5 autonomous vehicles. This is indeed a large problem that will take time to solve, and which may delay the transition to self-driving vehicles even if and when the tech is all in place.Eventually though, it will be worked out, and a whole new world of road regulations and rules will emerge. The hope is that vehicles will seamlessly follow these rules and we won't have too much to worry about. But there will still be adjustments to make.
Throw in the fact that autonomous vehicles will be significantly more efficient and thus drastically better for our environment, and this all sounds pretty exciting! Here's hoping the self-driving future arrives sooner rather than later.
Yesterday, we reported that Tesla updated their Steam integration on Model S and Model X vehicles. The update was part of their 2024 Holiday Update, but it looks like there may be more to this than a simple update.
Steam, a video game library app, makes it easy for users to buy or launch games on their computers. However, a couple of years ago, Valve, who created Steam, launched their own standalone device, the Steam Deck. The Steam Deck runs a custom OS based on Linux.
Steam Launch
When Tesla launched the redesigned Model S and Model X, Tesla introduced a dedicated gaming GPU with 16GB of RAM and touted the ability to play top-tier PC games in Tesla vehicles.
In 2022, Tesla finally launched the Steam app for the Model S and Model X as part of its 2022 Holiday Update. The Steam app runs Steam OS, the same OS as the Steam Deck in a virtual environment.
However, earlier this year, Tesla stopped including the GPU and Steam (Beta) in their vehicles, and we haven’t seen any updates to the Steam in quite some time. In fact, we thought Tesla was axing their gaming-on-the-go dreams.
SteamOS Update
The Steam app, which is still in Beta, is getting an interesting update for the Model S and Model X vehicles with the discrete GPU.
Those vehicles received an update to SteamOS 3.6 - the same version of SteamOS that runs on the Steam Deck. While nothing has visually changed, there’s a long list of performance optimizations under the hood to get things running smoother.
Comparing Steam Deck to Tesla Vehicles
Let’s take a look at the Steam Deck - according to Valve, its onboard Zen4 CPU and GPU combined push a total of 2 TFlops of data, which is fairly respectable, but much lower than today’s home consoles. The Steam Deck is capable of 720p gaming fairly seamlessly on low-to-medium settings on the go and is also built on the AMD platform.
AMD-equipped Teslas, including the Model 3 and Model Y, are packing an older Zen+ (Zen 1.5) APU (processor with a combined CPU and GPU). AMD claims that the V1000 - the same embedded chip as on AMD Tesla vehicles (YE1807C3T4MFB), brings up to 3.6 TFLops of processing power with it, including 4K encoding and decoding with the integrated GPU on board.
While that’s not enough for 4K gaming or comparable to a full-blown console or desktop GPU, that’s enough raw horsepower for light gaming and is currently more powerful than the Steam Deck.
The Model S and Model X’s GPU brings that up to about 10TFlops of power - comparable to modern consoles like the Xbox Series X at 12 TFlops.
Steam Gaming for All Vehicles?
The fact that Tesla is updating SteamOS even though the feature is no longer available in any new vehicles could indicate that Tesla is not only bringing Steam back to Teslas but that it’s going to play a much bigger role.
While SteamOS is run in a virtual environment on top of Tesla’s own OS, we could see Tesla bring SteamOS to all of its current vehicles, including the Model 3, Model Y, and Cybertruck. Steam in these vehicles would likely support any game that’s capable of running on the Steam Deck.
We think this Steam update, which includes performance improvements and a variety of fixes, has quietly passed under most people’s radars. This could be a very exciting update for those who enjoy gaming, especially for those who love to do it in their Tesla.
As part of Tesla’s 2024 Holiday Update, Tesla included two awesome new features - Weather at Destination and the long-awaited Weather Radar Overlay. These two features are big upgrades built upon the weather feature that was added in update 2024.26. The original weather feature added an hourly forecast, as well as the chance of precipitation, UV index, Air Quality Index, and other data.
However, this update also added some smaller weather touches, such as the vehicle alerting you if the weather at the destination will be drastically different from the current weather.
Not a Tesla App
Weather At Destination
When you’re navigating to a destination and viewing the full navigation direction list, the text under the arrival time will show you the expected weather next to your destination. You can also tap this, and the full weather pop-up will show up, showing your destination's full set of weather information.
Note the weather under the arrival time
Not a Tesla App
You can also tap the weather icon at the top of the interface at any time and tap Destination to switch between the weather at your current location and the weather at your destination.
You’re probably considering that the weather at your destination doesn’t matter when you’re three hours away - but that’s all taken into account by the trip planner. It will add in both charge time and travel time and show you the weather at your destination at your expected arrival time.
And if the weather is drastically different or inclement, such as rain or snow, while you’ve got sunshine and rainbows - the weather will be shown above the destination ETA for a few moments before it tucks itself away.
Tesla also recently introduced a new voice command. Asking, “What’s the weather?” or something similar will now bring up Tesla’s weather popup.
The weather pop-up above the ETA
Not a Tesla App
One limitation, though—if you’re planning a long road trip that is more than a day of driving, the weather at destination feature won’t be available until you get closer.
Weather Radar Overlay
As part of the improvements to weather, Tesla has also added a radar overlay for precipitation. You can access the new radar overlay by tapping the map and then tapping the weather icon on the right side of the map. It’ll bring up a radar overlay centered on your vehicle. It’ll animate through the radar data over the last 3 hours so that you can see the direction of the storm, but you can also pause it at any point.
You’re able to scroll around in this view and see the weather anywhere, even if you zoom out. It also works while you’re driving, although it can be a little confusing if you’re trying to pay attention to the navigation system. If you like to have Points of Interest enabled on your map, the weather overlay will hide POIs except for Charging POIs.
Requirements / Data
Unfortunately, you’ll need Premium Connectivity for any of the weather features to work, and being on WiFi or using a hotspot will not be enough to get the data to show up. The data, including the weather radar, is provided by The Weather Channel.
As for supported models, weather and weather at destination are available on all vehicles except for the 2012-2020 Model S and Model X. The weather radar has more strict requirements and requires the newer AMD Ryzen-powered infotainment center available on the 2021+ Model S and Model X and more recent Model 3 and Model Y vehicles.