Tesla App 4.7.3 Release Notes

Minor Fixes & Changes

Tesla Minor Fixes & Changes feature in update 4.7.3
Available Worldwide

This update to the app focuses on minor fixes and message changes in the app.

There have been no new features detected in this version.

There are also no significant changes to the underlying code in this update that point at possible new features that are under development.

We know Tesla is working on several new features to the app such as the ability to view vehicle release notes directly in the app and being able to set the car's name in the app, but those are still not available in this update and remain under development.

Tesla App 4.7.2 Release Notes

Sign Up for Tesla Insurance

Tesla Sign Up for Tesla Insurance feature in update 4.7.2
Available Worldwide

You can now sign up for Tesla Insurance directly in the Tesla app. By using Tesla Insurance your rate will be dependent on your driving habits. Tesla will monitor key metrics such as following too closely or harsh braking and use these factors to determine your monthly rate.

Tesla Insurance is now available in five US states, including Arizona, California, Illinois, Ohio and Texas. More states are expected to be added this year.

To sign up for Tesla Insurace in the Tesla app by tapping on your profile icon on the top right corner and choosing the Get Tesla Insurance card.

Powerwall Settings

Tesla Powerwall Settings feature in update 4.7.2
Available Worldwide

Reorganized Solar and Powerwall settings to focus on your Home.

Powerwall Storm Watch

Tesla Powerwall Storm Watch feature in update 4.7.2
Available Worldwide

Storm Watch status and event opt-out for Powerwall.


Additional information is now displayed in Storm Watch. It now lists individual events and lets you opt out of recharging your Powerwall using grid power.


Release Date

April 6, 2022