Full Self-Driving (Beta) Terms

The Full Self-Driving (Beta) feature toggle has been disabled. To use Full Self- Driving (Beta), re-enable the feature toggle in Controls > Autopilot and review the updated terms.
Full Self-Driving (Beta) Suspension

For maximum safety and accountability, Full Self-Driving (Beta) will not operate if improper usage is detected. Improper usage is considered when you, or another driver of your vehicle, receive three 'Forced Autopilot Disengagements'. This is when the Autopilot system disengages for the remainder of a trip after the driver has received several audio and visual warnings for inattentiveness. Keep your hands on the wheel and remain attentive at all times.
FSD v10.5 Release Notes

- Improved VRU (pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcycles) crossing velocity error by 20% from improved quality in our auto-labeling.
- Improved static world predictions (road lines, edges, and lane connectivity) by up to 13% using a new static world auto-labeler and adding 165K auto-labeled videos.
- Improved cone and sign detections by upreving the generalized static object network with 15K more video clips and adjusting oversampling and overweighting strategies (+ 4.5% precision, + 10.4% recall).
- Improved cut-in detection network by 5.5% to help reduce false slowdowns.
- Enabled "emergency collision avoidance maneuvering" in shadow mode
- Enabled behavior to lane change away from merges when safe to do so.
- Improved merge object detection recall by using multi-modal object prediction at intersections.
- Improved control for merges by increasing smoothness of arrival time constraints and considering possible merging objects beyond visibility.
- Improved lane changes by allowing larger deceleration limit in short-deadline situations.
- Improved lateral control for creeping forward to get more visibility.
- Improved modeling of road boundaries on high curvature roads for finer maneuvers.
- Improved logic to stay on-route and avoid unnecessary detours/rerouting.
Press the "Video Record" button on the top bar UI to share your feedback. When pressed, your vehicle's external cameras will share a short VIN associated Autopilot Snapshot with the Tesla engineering team to help make improvements to FSD. You will not be able to view the clip.
Full Self-Driving (Beta)

Full Self-Driving is in early limited access Beta and must be used with additional caution. It may do the wrong thing at the worst time, so you must always keep your hands on the wheel and pay extra attention to the road. Do not become complacent. When Full Self-Driving is enabled, your vehicle will make lane changes off highway, select forks to follow your navigation route, navigate around other vehicles and objects, and make left and right turns. Use Full Self-Driving in limited Beta only if you pay constant attention to the road, and be prepared to act immediately, especially around blind corners, crossing intersections, and in narrow driving situations.
Driving Visualization Improvements

The driving visualization has been improved to better support Full Self-Driving capabilities. When Full Self-Driving is engaged and apps are not displayed, the driving visualization will expand to show additional surrounding information. To disable the Expanded Full Self-Driving Visualization, tap Controls > Autopilot. With the larger visualization, select items have slightly moved but will continue to look and behave the same.
Cabin Camera

The cabin camera above your rearview mirror can now detect and alert driver inattentiveness while Autopilot is engaged. Camera data does not leave the car itself, which means the system cannot save or transmit information unless data shared is enabled. To change your data settings, tap Controls > Safety & Security > Data Sharing on your car's touchscreen.
Sentry Mode Live Camera Access

You can now remotely view your car’s surroundings when parked to confirm the safety of your environment before returning to your car. Live Camera is end-to-end encrypted and cannot be accessed by Tesla. To enable or disable, tap Controls > Safety & Security.
Note: This feature requires iOS mobile app version 4.2.1 or higher, and Premium Connectivity.