Minor Cold Weather Improvements and Bug Fixes

Additional enhancements have been made to improve the overall experience of your Tesla vehicle in cold weather.
New Language Support

You can now select Finnish and Croatian as your language. To update your language setting, tap Controls > Display and select the desired option from the Language drop down menu.
Note: Your vehicle must be in PARK to change languages.
Remain Connected to Wi-Fi in Drive

To remain connected to Wi-Fi when shifting into gear, tap Wi-Fi icon > Wi-Fi Settings > Remain Connected in Drive. This is especially useful for users who wish to use their hotspots for connectivity.
Dashcam Improvements

Dashcam can now automatically save clips whenever your vehicle detects the occurrence of a safety event (such as an accident or airbag deployment). Recordings captured are stored locally and never transmitted to Tesla. To opt-in, tap Controls > Safety & Security > Dashcam > AUTO. To learn more about how to setup and use Dashcam, please refer to the Owner's Manual.
New Language Support

You can now select Hungarian, Romanian, and Russian as your language. To update your language setting, tap Controls > Display and select the desired option from the Language drop down menu.
Note: Your vehicle must be in PARK to change languages.