Tesla App 4.5.1 Release Notes

Charge Stats

Tesla Charge Stats feature in update 4.5.1
Available Worldwide

This is an undocumented change in this release.

With app update 4.5.1 Tesla is adding a new Charge Stats section.

You can now track how much you pay to charge your Tesla and the savings when compared to a similar gasoline vehicle.

Charge Stats shows your vehicle's charging statistics over the last 31 days. It'll break down each charging session to show you how much you charged, the cost and the type of charging, whether it was at home, at a Supercharger or Other.

An 'Other' charging sessinon refers to any non-Supercharging session that is not at your home location.

In order to figure out costs of charging and savings, Tesla automatically uses electricity costs and gasoline prices in your state.

The costs for Supercharging are exact as Tesla knows exactly how much you were charged.

You're also able to customize your electricity cost at home and the electricity cost for 'Other' charging sessions.

Note: The car must be on software version 2021.44.25 or higher and you must have data sharing enabled in the vehicle.

Vehicle Specs and Warranty

Tesla Vehicle Specs and Warranty feature in update 4.5.1
Available Worldwide

This is an undocumented change in this release.

Tesla has added a 'View Details' link to the bottom of the home screen of the Tesla app.

This new section allows you to view your vehicle's specifications and warranty expiration dates.

Tesla App 4.5 Release Notes

Tesla Insurance Card

Tesla Tesla Insurance Card feature in update 4.5
Available Worldwide

- Tesla Insurance policy holders can add their insurance card to Apple Wallet

Help Section

Tesla Help Section feature in update 4.5
Available Worldwide

This is an undocumented change in this release.

Tesla introduced a new help section in the app that helps answer common questions related to your Tesla account, Tesla features, charging and service.

Tapping on an individual topic opens Tesla's website to the appropriate section.

You can check out the help section by going to your profile in the app scrolling down and tapping on Help.

Contact Tesla

Tesla Contact Tesla feature in update 4.5
Available Worldwide

This is an undocumented change in this release.

You can now easily contact Tesla with any questions directly from the Tesla app.

The question could be associated with a particular vehicle or with your Tesla account.

To contact Tesla from the app, tap on your account photo on the top right, then Help and finally on the 'Need More Help' button at the bottom.

You will then choose whether your question is about one of your vehicles or your Tesla account.

Set Vehicle Name

Tesla Set Vehicle Name feature in update 4.5
Available Worldwide
Future Feature
Future Feature

This is an undocumented change in this release that may become a future feature.

In an upcoming update it looks like you will be able to set your vehicle name directly in the app.

Vehicle Warranty

Tesla Vehicle Warranty feature in update 4.5
Available Worldwide
Future Feature
Future Feature

This is an undocumented change in this release that may become a future feature.

Tesla appears to be adding warranty information into the Tesla app. You will be able to view your Tesla's warranty expiration date and its status directly in the app.

You can currently view it on Tesla's website.

Tesla App 4.4 Release Notes

Tesla Insurance

Tesla Tesla Insurance feature in update 4.4
Available Worldwide

Tesla Insurance policy holders can initiate and manage claims.


Tesla Powerwalls feature in update 4.4
Available Worldwide

Support for bringing disconnected Powerwalls back on Wi-Fi

Nearby Superchargers

Tesla Nearby Superchargers feature in update 4.4
Available Worldwide

You can now view nearby Tesla Superchargers by going to the Location section of the app. At the bottom of the screen you'll see nearby Superchargers along with their availability and distance from your Tesla.

You can swipe up on the section to show additional locations.

Tapping on a Supercharger will give you the ability to send the location to your Tesla's GPS.

Swap Between Miles and Percentage

Tesla Swap Between Miles and Percentage feature in update 4.4
Available Worldwide

On the app's main screen, you can now tap on the miles or percentage of the battery left to switch between miles or percentage.

Switching to miles or percentage will not switch your setting in your Tesla.

Amount Charged

Tesla Amount Charged feature in update 4.4
Available Worldwide

During or after a charging session you will now be able to view how much your car has been charged.

If your car's range display is set to miles or kilometers, the app will show you how many mi/km have been gained during the charging session.

If your display is set to percentage then the app will show you how many kWh have been added.

The amount charged will automatically be reset when the next charging session begins.

Next Charge

Tesla Next Charge feature in update 4.4
Available Worldwide

If 'Scheduled Charging' or 'Departure Charging' is enabled and your car is plugged in, your next charging session will appear underneath the car's visualization.


Release Date

December 14, 2021


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