Service Improvements

This release makes several Service related improvements. Including:
- You can now pull down to refresh service appointment related information.
- When scheduling an appointment, the app will no longer auto-select the soonest available appointment date. You can now also tap a selected date to unselect it.
List Third-Party Apps

In the Security & Privacy section of your profile, Tesla will now list any third-party apps that have access to your vehicles or Energy products.
In addition to listing the service name and date access was granted, Tesla will also list the information that each service can access.
If you want to disconnect any services, you'll still need to do that on Tesla's website through the link provided.
Service Appointment

A card will now be displayed near the top of the app if you have an upcoming service appointment, giving you quick access to messages and appointment details.
The card feature a blue progress bar, that will go through the various stages of service, such as parts in transit, waiting for appointment, in progress and completed.