2019.8.1 Release Notes


Release Date

July 16, 2019

Recent News

오토파일럿 내비게이션 (베타 버전)

Tesla 오토파일럿 내비게이션 (베타 버전) feature in update 2019.8.1
Navigate on AutoPilot
Navigate on AutoPilot

오토파일럿 내비게이션은 느린 차량 또는 트럭 뒤를 따라가는 일이 없도록 지능적으로 차선 변경을 제안하고 경로를 유지할 수 있게 하여 줍니다.

컨트롤 > 오토파일럿으로 이동하여 내비게이션을 활성화하고 먼저 오토스티어를 활성화합니다. 오토파일럿 내비게이션을 사용할 수 있는 경로에서 내비게이션 방향 안내 목록에 있는 오토파일럿 내비게이션 버튼을 눌러 오토파일럿 내비게이션을 사용하거나 사용 중지할 수 있습니다.

주행 경로에서 오토파일럿 내비게이션을 사용하는 경우, 통제된 접근 도로에서 기어 레버를 아래쪽으로 빠르게 연속 두 번 내려 오토파일럿 내비게이션을 활성화할 수 있습니다. 오토파일럿 내비게이션이 활성화되면 한 개의 파란색 라인이 경로를 표시하고, 차량을 차선에 유지합니다. 경로 주행에 필요한 차선 변경이나 더 빠른 차선으로 이동하기 위한 정보를 회색 라인으로 안내합니다. 또한, 오토파일럿 내비게이션은 목적지에 기반하여 차량을 고속도로 IC와 출구로 이동 시킵니다.

컨트롤 > 오토파일럿 > 오토파일럿 내비게이션 설정 메뉴에서 속도 기반 차선 변경 설정을 변경하여 오토파일럿 내비게이션이 설정된 차속을 유지하기 위해서 얼마나 자주 차선 변경 할지를 조정할 수 있습니다.

참고: 이 기능을 사용하려면 카메라 추가 보정이 필요하고, WiFi를 통해 내비게이션 지도의 최신 버전을 다운로드해야 합니다.

오토파일럿 내비게이션 (베타 버전)

Tesla 오토파일럿 내비게이션 (베타 버전) feature in update 2019.8.1
Navigate on AutoPilot
Navigate on AutoPilot

오토파일럿 내비게이션은 느린 차량 또는 트럭 뒤를 따라가는 일이 없도록 지능적으로 차선 변경을 제안하고 경로를 유지할 수 있게 하여 줍니다.

컨트롤 > 오토파일럿으로 이동하여 내비게이션을 활성화하고 먼저 오토스티어를 활성화합니다. 오토파일럿 내비게이션을 사용할 수 있는 경로에서 내비게이션 방향 안내 목록에 있는 오토파일럿 내비게이션 버튼을 눌러 오토파일럿 내비게이션을 사용하거나 사용 중지할 수 있습니다.

주행 경로에 오토파일럿 내비게이션을 사용하는 경우, 통제된 접근 도로에서 크루즈 레버를 운전자 쪽으로 빠르게 연속 두 번 당겨 오토파일럿 내비게이션을 활성화할 수 있습니다. 오토파일럿 내비게이션이 활성화되면 한 개의 파란색 라인이 경로를 표시하고, 차량을 차선에 유지합니다. 경로 주행에 필요한 차선 변경이나 더 빠른 차선으로 이동하기 위한 정보를 회색 라인으로 안내합니다. 또한, 오토파일럿 내비게이션은 목적지에 기반하여 차량을 고속도로 IC와 출구로 이동 시킵니다.

컨트롤 > 오토파일럿 > 오토파일럿 내비게이션 설정 메뉴에서 속도 기반 차선 변경 설정을 변경하여 오토파일럿 내비게이션이 설정된 차속을 유지하기 위해서 얼마나 자주 차선 변경 할지를 조정할 수 있습니다.

참고: 이 기능을 사용하려면 카메라 추가 보정이 필요하고, WiFi를 통해 내비게이션 지도의 최신 버전을 다운로드해야 합니다.

향상된 차량 호출

Tesla 향상된 차량 호출 feature in update 2019.8.1
AutoPilot HW 2 or Higher
Smart Summon
AutoPilot HW 2 or Higher
Smart Summon

향상된 차량 호출은 차량이 주차 공간에서 빠져나와 필요에 따라 사물을 피하여 차량을 운전자 앞으로 인도하거나 선택한 목적지까지 이동하는 데 도움을 주는 주차 지원 기능입니다. 차량을 협소한 주차 공간에서 나오게 하거나 물웅덩이를 지나서 이동하거나 무거운 시장 바구니를 지고 차량으로 다가서는 운전자를 돕는 데 가장 적합합니다. 향상된 차량 호출은 운전자의 휴대폰이 차량으로부터 150피트 이내에서 감지될 때 Tesla 모바일 앱으로 작동시킬 수 있습니다.

향상된 차량 호출을 사용하려면 Tesla 모바일 앱을 시작하십시오. “차량 호출”을 탭하고 차량 그림 가운데에 있는 향상된 차량 호출 아이콘을 선택합니다. 향상된 차량 호출을 시작하려면, 내 위치 찾기 버튼을 길게 누르거나 위치핀을 원하는 목적지로 이동하고 시작 버튼을 길게 누릅니다. 언제든지 버튼에서 손을 떼어 차량을 정지할 수 있습니다.

향상된 차량 호출은 홈링크와도 연동되어 차량을 차고 밖으로 이동하기 위해 차고 문을 개방할 수도 있습니다. 향상된 차량 호출은 차량 호출과 마찬가지로 공용 도로가 아닌 주차장 및 사유 도로에서만 사용해야 합니다. 이 기능은 베타 버전이며 항상 차량과 그 주변을 모니터링해야 합니다.

참고: 향상된 차량 호출을 사용하려면 Tesla 모바일 앱 최신 버전(3.8.2 이상)을 다운로드한 다음 장치에서 GPS를 실행하고 이동 통신 서비스를 사용할 수 있는지 확인하십시오. 향상된 차량 호출은 추가 카메라 보정이 이뤄져야 할 수 있고 운전자와 차량이 화면의 파란색 원 안에 있을 때만 작동합니다.

오토파일럿 내비게이션 (베타 버전)

Tesla 오토파일럿 내비게이션 (베타 버전) feature in update 2019.8.1
AutoPilot HW 2 or Higher
Navigate on AutoPilot
Lane Change Confirmation: Off
AutoPilot HW 2 or Higher
Navigate on AutoPilot
Lane Change Confirmation: Off

오토파일럿 내비게이션에서 이제 운전자가 제안 차선 변경을 승인하지 않아도 차선을 변경할 수 있습니다. 차선 변경 승인을 끄려면 컨트롤 > 오토파일럿 > 오토파일럿 내비게이션 설정 > 차선 변경 승인으로 이동하여 아니오로 설정합니다. 차선 변경 승인이 꺼진 상태에서는 차선 변경 알림을 조정하여 알림 방법을 조정할 수도 있습니다.

이번 릴리즈에서는 기능이 사용 가능한 경우 운전을 시작할 때마다 실행을 예로 설정하여 오토파일럿 내비게이션을 경로를 시작할 때마다 사용할 수 있습니다.

참고: 차선 변경 승인이 꺼진 상태에서는 운전자의 손이 스티어링 휠을 잡고 있는지 확인되었을 때만 차선을 변경합니다. 차선 변경 승인을 끄더라도 운전자는 양손을 스티어링 휠에 유지하고 항상 집중하며 차량의 주변을 주의 깊게 모니터링해야 책임이 있습니다.

새로운 가속 모드

Tesla 새로운 가속 모드 feature in update 2019.8.1
Available Worldwide
Dual Motor
Dual Motor

더 쉽게 접근할 수 있도록 최대 배터리 전력 버튼을 새로운 가속 모드로 옮겼습니다. 최대 배터리 전력을 사용할 수 있게 하려면 컨트롤 > 주행 > 가속에서 "+" 레벨을 선택하십시오. 언제든 취소하려면, 가속 모드를 다른 레벨로 바꾸십시오.

리모트키로 차량 호출

Tesla 리모트키로 차량 호출 feature in update 2019.8.1
AutoPilot HW 2 or Higher
AutoPilot HW 2 or Higher

페어링된 리모트키를 사용하여 차량 외부에서 Model 3를 주차 공간 안으로 또는 바깥으로 이동할 수 있습니다. 차량 호출을 시작하려면 주차된 차량에서 3미터(10피트) 이내에 선 다음 위험 경고등이 계속해서 깜박일 때까지 리모트키 위쪽 가운데 버튼을 길게 누르십시오. 리모트키의 전면 또는 후면 트렁크 버튼을 눌러 차량을 각각 전방 또는 후방으로 이동합니다.

참고: 리모트키로 차량 호출을 작동하려면 컨트롤 > 오토파일럿 > 차량 호출 사용자 지정에서 컨티뉴어스 프레스 모드 설정을 아니요로 설정해야 합니다.

감시 모드

감시 모드는 차량이 잠겨 있고 주차되어 있을 때 차량 주변 상황을 지속적으로 모니터링합니다. 감시 모드가 켜지면, 차량은 자동으로 카메라와 센서의 전원만 켜진 채 대기 상태로 전환되고, 잠재적 위협을 감지하면 다음 중 적절한 상태로 전환합니다. 경고 또는 알람. 감시 모드를 켜려면 컨트롤 > 안전 및 보안 > 감시 모드로 이동합니다.

누군가 차량에 기대는 것과 같은 최소 위협이 감지되면, 감시 모드가 경고 상태로 전환하고, 카메라가 녹화 중임을 나타내는 메시지가 터치스크린에 표시됩니다.

누군가 유리창을 깨는 것과 같은 주요 위협이 감지되면 감시 모드가 알람 상태로 전환됩니다. 이 상태에서는 차량 알람이 작동하고, 오디오 시스템에서 크고 예상치 못한 소리가 나오고, 터치스크린 메시지가 최대 밝기로 밝아지고, 모바일 앱으로 알림을 받게 됩니다.

감시 모드에서 캡처한 비디오를 저장하려면, 포맷된 USB 플래시 드라이브를 전면 USB 포트 중 하나에 미리 삽입해야 합니다. 감시 모드가 작동하려면 20% 이상의 배터리가 필요합니다. 감시 모드가 켜져 있을 때 배터리 잔량이 20% 아래로 감소하면, 감시 모드가 꺼지고 모바일 앱으로 알림을 받게 됩니다.

감시 모드는 차량 보안을 향상하도록 고안되었지만, 모든 가능한 위협으로부터 차량을 보호할 수 있는 것은 아닙니다.


Tesla 블랙박스 feature in update 2019.8.1
Available Worldwide
Sentry Mode
Sentry Mode

이제 블랙박스가 차량 전방의 망원 카메라와 측면의 카메라가 촬영하는 비디오 영상을 녹화 및 저장할 수 있습니다. 평소와 마찬가지로, 녹화 중임을 나타내는 빨간색 점과 함께 블랙박스 아이콘이 상태 표시줄에 표시됩니다. 아이콘을 터치하면 10분 분량의 비디오 클립이 저장되고 길게 누르면 녹화가 일시 중지됩니다.

애견 모드

Tesla 애견 모드 feature in update 2019.8.1
Available Worldwide

애견 모드를 사용하면 반려 동물을 차량에 편안하게 머무르게 하고 지나가는 행인들이 신경을 쓰지 않게 할 수 있습니다. 실내 온도 유지 기능 이외에도 현재 실내 온도가 터치스크린에 표시됩니다. 애견 모드를 켜려면 차량이 주차되어 있을 때 터치스크린 하단에 있는 팬 아이콘을 터치합니다. 실내 온도 유지를 '애견 모드'로 설정하고, 온도 를 제한된 범위로 설정 하면, 반려 동물이 차량에 편안하게 머물 것이라고 안심하고 차량에서 내릴 수 있습니다.

참고: 현지 법률에 반려 동물을 차량에 남겨 두고 하차하는 것에 대한 제한 규정이 있는지 확인하십시오.

트립 플래너 (베타 버전)

Tesla 트립 플래너 (베타 버전) feature in update 2019.8.1
Tesla Maps
Tesla Maps

트립 플래너로 자신있게 장거리 여행을 떠날 수 있습니다. 목적지에 도착하기 위해 충전이 필요한 경우, 트립 플래너는 적절한 수퍼 차저 위치를 포함하는 경로로 안내합니다. 트립 플래너는 주행 및 충전에 사용하는 시간을 최소화하는 경로를 선택합니다. 트립 플래너를 사용하려면 컨트롤 > 내비게이션 > 트립 플래너(베타 버전) > 켜짐을 터치합니다.

2024.8.12 Release Notes

Vehicle Alarm Includes Trailer

Tesla Vehicle Alarm Includes Trailer feature in update 2024.8.12
Available Worldwide

Your vehicle alarm now also monitors whether your trailer is plugged in to the hitch.

The trailer alarm sets and turns off along with your vehicle alarm. You can disable this security feature in your vehicle settings at Towing and Hauling > Trailer Alarm.

Ultra-Wideband Phone Key

Tesla Ultra-Wideband Phone Key feature in update 2024.8.12
Available Worldwide
Requires UWB Support
New S
New X
Requires UWB Support

Ultrawide band (UWB) technology is now available for Phone Key. Your vehicle and Phone Key can communicate with greater accuracy to more responsively lock, unlock, and extend Auto-Present Handles.

In the Tesla app, choose Phone Key > Upgrade and follow the instructions. After setup, keep your iPhone Settings for Nearby Interactions on for Tesla. Requires iPhone 11+ and Tesla app 4.31.0+.

One-Time Charge Limit

Tesla One-Time Charge Limit feature in update 2024.8.12
Available Worldwide

If you're planning a road trip, you can choose the One-Time Charge option.

This option appears when you increase the Charge Limit above the daily driving recommendation.

Afterward your vehicle will automatically revert back to your previous daily driving Charge Limit.

View or Reset Tire Mileage

Tesla View or Reset Tire Mileage feature in update 2024.8.12
Available Worldwide

To see the number of miles traveled since your last tire service, in your vehicle settings go to Service and look in the upper right corner. When you get your tires rotated, replaced, or swapped, choose Reset to zero out the counter.

Rear Passenger Headphones

Tesla Rear Passenger Headphones feature in update 2024.8.12
Available Worldwide

Passengers in the back seat can listen on wireless Bluetooth headphones when watching shows or playing games on the rear touchscreen. The rest of the vehicle can continue to listen to other audio from the front.

Pair your headphones at App Launcher > Rear Display > Settings > Add New Device. To listen, turn on the headphones (up to two), open an app in Theater or Arcade on the rear screen, and hit play.

Auto Wipers

Tesla Auto Wipers feature in update 2024.8.12
Available Worldwide

Wipers now have an Auto setting that detects precipitation and adjusts the wiping speed and intensity.

Turning on Autopilot features automatically sets wipers to Auto.

Danger Zones on Your Route

Tesla Danger Zones on Your Route feature in update 2024.8.12
New S
New X

Navigation now includes symbols along your route to show danger zones.

To see this route information you must have Navigation > Online Routing turned on. Requires Premium Connectivity.

Adaptive High Beams

Tesla Adaptive High Beams feature in update 2024.8.12
New S
New X

High beams now adapt to reduce glare for other drivers and cyclists.

By detecting other road users, and selectively dimming individual pixels of the headlight, your high beams stay on more often for greater visibility at night.

To turn them on, in your vehicle settings go to Lights > Adaptive High Beams.

Editor's note: This applies to vehicles with matrix headlights seen on some of the redesigned Model S and Model X vehicles, as well as the first-gen Model 3 and Model Y. It currently only applies to vehicles in Europe, but Tesla is working on adding support in the U.S.

Speed Cameras on Your Route

Tesla Speed Cameras on Your Route feature in update 2024.8.12
New S
New X

Navigation now includes symbols along your route to show speed cameras.

To see this route information, you must have Navigation > Online Routing turned on. Requires Premium Connectivity.

Security Improvements

Tesla Security Improvements feature in update 2024.8.12
Available Worldwide

This update includes important security fixes and improvements.

Windshield Washer

Tesla Windshield Washer feature in update 2024.8.12
Available Worldwide

The nozzle that sprays your windshield when the left stalk or steering wheel button (model dependent) is held down previously only sprayed the windshield when the wipers were in the lower position.

With this update, the nozzle will spray the windshield any time the button is held for a brief period, regardless of the wiper's position.

Fold Mirrors Button

Tesla Fold Mirrors Button feature in update 2024.8.12
Available Worldwide

The Fold Mirrors button under Controls has been updated to have multiple states. The mirror now has four states:

Fold Mirrors: This button will fold your mirrors and then briefly change to 'Save Location.'

Save Location: If your mirrors were recently folded, then you'll be presented with a Save Location button that will cause the vehicle to always fold its mirrors when it arrives near this location.

Remove Location: If your mirrors are set to be folded at the current location, the button will change to 'Remove Location," letting you remove the automatic folding of the mirrors at this location.

Unfold Mirrors: If your mirrors are currently folded, but not set to fold automatically based on the location, then the button will simply display 'Unfold Mirrors.'

Connectivity Icon

Tesla Connectivity Icon feature in update 2024.8.12
Available Worldwide

Tesla's connectivity icon is now always displayed in the status bar to give you instant access to the vehicle's signal strength.

Prior to this update, the cellular connection icon was only displayed if there was low or no coverage, or if you went into the main Controls menu.

Turn Signals

Tesla Turn Signals feature in update 2024.8.12
Available Worldwide

The vehicle's turn signal icons are now easier to see at a glance. Instead of the arrow being inside of a circle, the new turn signals are now simple arrows, which better matches other vehicles.

New WiFi Menu

Tesla New WiFi Menu feature in update 2024.8.12
Available Worldwide

There is a new WiFi menu that makes it easier to connect your vehicle to WiFi. The new menu can be found under Controls > WLAN (WiFi).

The updated menu replaces the old dialog box that appeared when you tapped the WiFi icon at the top of the Controls menu.

The status icons at the top of the screen are still present to let you quickly view whether the vehicle is connected to WiFi and its signal strength.

New Bluetooth Menu

Tesla New Bluetooth Menu feature in update 2024.8.12
Available Worldwide

Similar to WiFi, the Bluetooth menu is now located under Controls > Bluetooth, instead of an overlay on the screen.

To make additional room for the additional WiFi and Bluetooth options in the left column, you can now scroll the column vertically, with WiFi, Bluetooth and Upgrades being the last options.

The Bluetooth icon will also remain at the top of the screen to quickly let you know whether any Bluetooth devices are conneced.

2024.8.9 Release Notes

Vehicle Alarm Includes Trailer

Tesla Vehicle Alarm Includes Trailer feature in update 2024.8.9
Available Worldwide

Your vehicle alarm now also monitors whether your trailer is plugged in to the hitch.

The trailer alarm sets and turns off along with your vehicle alarm. You can disable this security feature in your vehicle settings at Towing and Hauling > Trailer Alarm.

Ultra-Wideband Phone Key

Tesla Ultra-Wideband Phone Key feature in update 2024.8.9
Available Worldwide
Requires UWB Support
New S
New X
Requires UWB Support

Ultrawide band (UWB) technology is now available for Phone Key. Your vehicle and Phone Key can communicate with greater accuracy to more responsively lock, unlock, and extend Auto-Present Handles.

In the Tesla app, choose Phone Key > Upgrade and follow the instructions. After setup, keep your iPhone Settings for Nearby Interactions on for Tesla. Requires iPhone 11+ and Tesla app 4.31.0+.

One-Time Charge Limit

Tesla One-Time Charge Limit feature in update 2024.8.9
Available Worldwide

If you're planning a road trip, you can choose the One-Time Charge option.

This option appears when you increase the Charge Limit above the daily driving recommendation.

Afterward your vehicle will automatically revert back to your previous daily driving Charge Limit.

View or Reset Tire Mileage

Tesla View or Reset Tire Mileage feature in update 2024.8.9
Available Worldwide

To see the number of miles traveled since your last tire service, in your vehicle settings go to Service and look in the upper right corner. When you get your tires rotated, replaced, or swapped, choose Reset to zero out the counter.

Rear Passenger Headphones

Tesla Rear Passenger Headphones feature in update 2024.8.9
Available Worldwide

Passengers in the back seat can listen on wireless Bluetooth headphones when watching shows or playing games on the rear touchscreen. The rest of the vehicle can continue to listen to other audio from the front.

Pair your headphones at App Launcher > Rear Display > Settings > Add New Device. To listen, turn on the headphones (up to two), open an app in Theater or Arcade on the rear screen, and hit play.

Auto Wipers

Tesla Auto Wipers feature in update 2024.8.9
Available Worldwide

Wipers now have an Auto setting that detects precipitation and adjusts the wiping speed and intensity.

Turning on Autopilot features automatically sets wipers to Auto.

Danger Zones on Your Route

Tesla Danger Zones on Your Route feature in update 2024.8.9
New S
New X

Navigation now includes symbols along your route to show danger zones.

To see this route information you must have Navigation > Online Routing turned on. Requires Premium Connectivity.

Adaptive High Beams

Tesla Adaptive High Beams feature in update 2024.8.9
New S
New X

High beams now adapt to reduce glare for other drivers and cyclists.

By detecting other road users, and selectively dimming individual pixels of the headlight, your high beams stay on more often for greater visibility at night.

To turn them on, in your vehicle settings go to Lights > Adaptive High Beams.

Editor's note: This applies to vehicles with matrix headlights seen on some of the redesigned Model S and Model X vehicles, as well as the first-gen Model 3 and Model Y. It currently only applies to vehicles in Europe, but Tesla is working on adding support in the U.S.

Speed Cameras on Your Route

Tesla Speed Cameras on Your Route feature in update 2024.8.9
New S
New X

Navigation now includes symbols along your route to show speed cameras.

To see this route information, you must have Navigation > Online Routing turned on. Requires Premium Connectivity.

Security Improvements

Tesla Security Improvements feature in update 2024.8.9
Available Worldwide

This update includes important security fixes and improvements.

Windshield Washer

Tesla Windshield Washer feature in update 2024.8.9
Available Worldwide

The nozzle that sprays your windshield when the left stalk or steering wheel button (model dependent) is held down previously only sprayed the windshield when the wipers were in the lower position.

With this update, the nozzle will spray the windshield any time the button is held for a brief period, regardless of the wiper's position.

Fold Mirrors Button

Tesla Fold Mirrors Button feature in update 2024.8.9
Available Worldwide

The Fold Mirrors button under Controls has been updated to have multiple states. The mirror now has four states:

Fold Mirrors: This button will fold your mirrors and then briefly change to 'Save Location.'

Save Location: If your mirrors were recently folded, then you'll be presented with a Save Location button that will cause the vehicle to always fold its mirrors when it arrives near this location.

Remove Location: If your mirrors are set to be folded at the current location, the button will change to 'Remove Location," letting you remove the automatic folding of the mirrors at this location.

Unfold Mirrors: If your mirrors are currently folded, but not set to fold automatically based on the location, then the button will simply display 'Unfold Mirrors.'

Connectivity Icon

Tesla Connectivity Icon feature in update 2024.8.9
Available Worldwide

Tesla's connectivity icon is now always displayed in the status bar to give you instant access to the vehicle's signal strength.

Prior to this update, the cellular connection icon was only displayed if there was low or no coverage, or if you went into the main Controls menu.

Turn Signals

Tesla Turn Signals feature in update 2024.8.9
Available Worldwide

The vehicle's turn signal icons are now easier to see at a glance. Instead of the arrow being inside of a circle, the new turn signals are now simple arrows, which better matches other vehicles.

New WiFi Menu

Tesla New WiFi Menu feature in update 2024.8.9
Available Worldwide

There is a new WiFi menu that makes it easier to connect your vehicle to WiFi. The new menu can be found under Controls > WLAN (WiFi).

The updated menu replaces the old dialog box that appeared when you tapped the WiFi icon at the top of the Controls menu.

The status icons at the top of the screen are still present to let you quickly view whether the vehicle is connected to WiFi and its signal strength.

New Bluetooth Menu

Tesla New Bluetooth Menu feature in update 2024.8.9
Available Worldwide

Similar to WiFi, the Bluetooth menu is now located under Controls > Bluetooth, instead of an overlay on the screen.

To make additional room for the additional WiFi and Bluetooth options in the left column, you can now scroll the column vertically, with WiFi, Bluetooth and Upgrades being the last options.

The Bluetooth icon will also remain at the top of the screen to quickly let you know whether any Bluetooth devices are conneced.

2024.8.8 Release Notes

Vehicle Alarm Includes Trailer

Tesla Vehicle Alarm Includes Trailer feature in update 2024.8.8
Available Worldwide

Your vehicle alarm now also monitors whether your trailer is plugged in to the hitch.

The trailer alarm sets and turns off along with your vehicle alarm. You can disable this security feature in your vehicle settings at Towing and Hauling > Trailer Alarm.

Ultra-Wideband Phone Key

Tesla Ultra-Wideband Phone Key feature in update 2024.8.8
Available Worldwide
Requires UWB Support
New S
New X
Requires UWB Support

Ultrawide band (UWB) technology is now available for Phone Key. Your vehicle and Phone Key can communicate with greater accuracy to more responsively lock, unlock, and extend Auto-Present Handles.

In the Tesla app, choose Phone Key > Upgrade and follow the instructions. After setup, keep your iPhone Settings for Nearby Interactions on for Tesla. Requires iPhone 11+ and Tesla app 4.31.0+.

One-Time Charge Limit

Tesla One-Time Charge Limit feature in update 2024.8.8
Available Worldwide

If you're planning a road trip, you can choose the One-Time Charge option.

This option appears when you increase the Charge Limit above the daily driving recommendation.

Afterward your vehicle will automatically revert back to your previous daily driving Charge Limit.

View or Reset Tire Mileage

Tesla View or Reset Tire Mileage feature in update 2024.8.8
Available Worldwide

To see the number of miles traveled since your last tire service, in your vehicle settings go to Service and look in the upper right corner. When you get your tires rotated, replaced, or swapped, choose Reset to zero out the counter.

Rear Passenger Headphones

Tesla Rear Passenger Headphones feature in update 2024.8.8
Available Worldwide

Passengers in the back seat can listen on wireless Bluetooth headphones when watching shows or playing games on the rear touchscreen. The rest of the vehicle can continue to listen to other audio from the front.

Pair your headphones at App Launcher > Rear Display > Settings > Add New Device. To listen, turn on the headphones (up to two), open an app in Theater or Arcade on the rear screen, and hit play.

Auto Wipers

Tesla Auto Wipers feature in update 2024.8.8
Available Worldwide

Wipers now have an Auto setting that detects precipitation and adjusts the wiping speed and intensity.

Turning on Autopilot features automatically sets wipers to Auto.

Danger Zones on Your Route

Tesla Danger Zones on Your Route feature in update 2024.8.8
New S
New X

Navigation now includes symbols along your route to show danger zones.

To see this route information you must have Navigation > Online Routing turned on. Requires Premium Connectivity.

Adaptive High Beams

Tesla Adaptive High Beams feature in update 2024.8.8
New S
New X

High beams now adapt to reduce glare for other drivers and cyclists.

By detecting other road users, and selectively dimming individual pixels of the headlight, your high beams stay on more often for greater visibility at night.

To turn them on, in your vehicle settings go to Lights > Adaptive High Beams.

Editor's note: This applies to vehicles with matrix headlights seen on some of the redesigned Model S and Model X vehicles, as well as the first-gen Model 3 and Model Y. It currently only applies to vehicles in Europe, but Tesla is working on adding support in the U.S.

Speed Cameras on Your Route

Tesla Speed Cameras on Your Route feature in update 2024.8.8
New S
New X

Navigation now includes symbols along your route to show speed cameras.

To see this route information, you must have Navigation > Online Routing turned on. Requires Premium Connectivity.

Security Improvements

Tesla Security Improvements feature in update 2024.8.8
Available Worldwide

This update includes important security fixes and improvements.

Windshield Washer

Tesla Windshield Washer feature in update 2024.8.8
Available Worldwide

The nozzle that sprays your windshield when the left stalk or steering wheel button (model dependent) is held down previously only sprayed the windshield when the wipers were in the lower position.

With this update, the nozzle will spray the windshield any time the button is held for a brief period, regardless of the wiper's position.

Fold Mirrors Button

Tesla Fold Mirrors Button feature in update 2024.8.8
Available Worldwide

The Fold Mirrors button under Controls has been updated to have multiple states. The mirror now has four states:

Fold Mirrors: This button will fold your mirrors and then briefly change to 'Save Location.'

Save Location: If your mirrors were recently folded, then you'll be presented with a Save Location button that will cause the vehicle to always fold its mirrors when it arrives near this location.

Remove Location: If your mirrors are set to be folded at the current location, the button will change to 'Remove Location," letting you remove the automatic folding of the mirrors at this location.

Unfold Mirrors: If your mirrors are currently folded, but not set to fold automatically based on the location, then the button will simply display 'Unfold Mirrors.'

Connectivity Icon

Tesla Connectivity Icon feature in update 2024.8.8
Available Worldwide

Tesla's connectivity icon is now always displayed in the status bar to give you instant access to the vehicle's signal strength.

Prior to this update, the cellular connection icon was only displayed if there was low or no coverage, or if you went into the main Controls menu.

Turn Signals

Tesla Turn Signals feature in update 2024.8.8
Available Worldwide

The vehicle's turn signal icons are now easier to see at a glance. Instead of the arrow being inside of a circle, the new turn signals are now simple arrows, which better matches other vehicles.

New WiFi Menu

Tesla New WiFi Menu feature in update 2024.8.8
Available Worldwide

There is a new WiFi menu that makes it easier to connect your vehicle to WiFi. The new menu can be found under Controls > WLAN (WiFi).

The updated menu replaces the old dialog box that appeared when you tapped the WiFi icon at the top of the Controls menu.

The status icons at the top of the screen are still present to let you quickly view whether the vehicle is connected to WiFi and its signal strength.

New Bluetooth Menu

Tesla New Bluetooth Menu feature in update 2024.8.8
Available Worldwide

Similar to WiFi, the Bluetooth menu is now located under Controls > Bluetooth, instead of an overlay on the screen.

To make additional room for the additional WiFi and Bluetooth options in the left column, you can now scroll the column vertically, with WiFi, Bluetooth and Upgrades being the last options.

The Bluetooth icon will also remain at the top of the screen to quickly let you know whether any Bluetooth devices are conneced.


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