2019.5.15 Release Notes


Release Date

June 28, 2019

Recent News

Modalità cane

Tesla Modalità cane feature in update 2019.5.15
Available Worldwide

Tieni il tuo cane in un ambiente confortevole all'interno dell'auto e informa i passanti che la Modalità cane si sta prendendo cura di lui. Oltre a mantenere l'impianto di climatizzazione attivo, sul touchscreen viene visualizzata la temperatura corrente dell'abitacolo. Per attivare la Modalità cane, toccare l'icona della ventola nella parte inferiore del touchscreen dopo aver parcheggiato il veicolo. Impostare Mantieni climatizzatore On su CANE, regolare le impostazioni entro i limiti di temperatura previsti, quindi gli eventuali passanti sapranno che l'animale domestico è al sicuro in un ambiente confortevole.

Nota: Accertarsi che non vi siano limitazioni imposte dalle normative locali per quanto riguarda gli animali lasciati incustoditi in auto.

Navigare con l'Autopilota (Beta)

Tesla Navigare con l'Autopilota (Beta) feature in update 2019.5.15
Navigate on AutoPilot
Navigate on AutoPilot

La funzione Navigare con l'Autopilota suggerisce in modo opportuno quando effettuare un cambio di corsia rimanendo sul proprio itinerario ed effettua aggiustamenti per evitare di rimanere dietro a vetture lente o autocarri.

Attivare Navigare Navigare con l'Autopilota da Comandi > Autopilota e attivando prima la funzione Sistema di Autosterzatura. Su ogni itinerario per cui la funzione è disponibile, è possibile attivarla o disattivarla premendo il pulsante NAVIGARE CON L'AUTOPILOTA situato nell'elenco delle manovre di navigazione.

Dopo aver abilitato il proprio itinerario, è possibile attivare la funzione Navigare con l'Autopilota su strade ad accesso controllato abbassando completamente la leva del cambio due volte in rapida successione. Una volta attivata, un'unica linea blu indicherà il percorso da seguire, mantenendo la vettura nella corsia. Potrebbero apparire linee grigie per segnalare cambi di corsia successivi basati sull'itinerario o per suggerire la possibilità di spostarsi su una corsia a scorrimento più veloce. Quando attiva, la funzione Navigare con l'Autopilota vi guiderà anche verso svincoli e uscite autostradali in base alla destinazione selezionata.

Regolare la prontezza con cui la funzione Navigare con l'Autopilota effettua il cambio di corsia per mantenere la vettura alla velocità impostata modificando il parametro CAMBI DI CORSIA BASATI SULLA VELOCITÀ in Comandi > Autopilota > PERSONALIZZA NAVIGARE CON L'AUTOPILOTA.

Nota: Prima di abilitare questa funzione, è necessario tarare la telecamera e scaricare tramite WiFi l'ultima versione delle mappe di navigazione.

Navigare con l'Autopilota (Beta)

Tesla Navigare con l'Autopilota (Beta) feature in update 2019.5.15
Navigate on AutoPilot
Navigate on AutoPilot

La funzione Navigare con l'Autopilota suggerisce in modo opportuno quando effettuare un cambio di corsia rimanendo sul proprio itinerario ed effettua aggiustamenti per evitare di rimanere dietro a vetture lente o autocarri.

Attivare Navigare Navigare con l'Autopilota da Comandi > Autopilota e attivando prima la funzione Sistema di Autosterzatura. Su ogni itinerario per cui la funzione è disponibile, è possibile attivarla o disattivarla premendo il pulsante NAVIGARE CON L'AUTOPILOTA situato nell'elenco delle manovre di navigazione.

Dopo aver abilitato il proprio itinerario, è possibile attivare la funzione Navigare con l'autopilota su strade ad accesso controllato tirando la levetta del cruise control verso di sé due volte in rapida successione. Una volta attivata, un'unica linea blu indicherà il percorso da seguire, mantenendo la vettura nella corsia. Potrebbero apparire linee grigie per segnalare cambi di corsia successivi basati sull'itinerario o per suggerire la possibilità di spostarsi su una corsia a scorrimento più veloce. Quando attiva, la funzione Navigare con l'Autopilota vi guiderà anche verso svincoli e uscite autostradali in base alla destinazione selezionata.

Regolare la prontezza con cui la funzione Navigare con l'Autopilota effettua il cambio di corsia per mantenere la vettura alla velocità impostata modificando il parametro CAMBI DI CORSIA BASATI SULLA VELOCITÀ in Comandi > Autopilota > PERSONALIZZA NAVIGARE CON L'AUTOPILOTA.

Nota: Prima di abilitare questa funzione, è necessario tarare la telecamera e scaricare tramite WiFi l'ultima versione delle mappe di navigazione.

Summon avanzato

Tesla Summon avanzato feature in update 2019.5.15
AutoPilot HW 2 or Higher
Smart Summon
AutoPilot HW 2 or Higher
Smart Summon

Summon avanzato è una funzione di parcheggio assistito che facilita la guida del veicolo verso la destinazione desiderata effettuando la manovra di uscita da parcheggi o effettuando manovre intorno a ostacoli e oggetti presenti, secondo necessità. Un sistema ideale per effettuare manovre di uscita da parcheggi stretti, superare pozzanghere e tratti allagati o agevolare i conducenti che si apprestano al veicolo con carichi pesanti. Summon avanzato funziona con l'app mobile Tesla non appena il telefono viene rilevato entro 48 metri circa dal veicolo.

Per utilizzare la funzione Summon avanzato, aprire l'app mobile Tesla. Toccare "Summon" e selezionare l'icona Summon avanzato al centro dell'immagine del veicolo. Per attivare Summon avanzato, tenere premuto il pulsante TROVAMI o posizionare un simbolo a forma di spillo in corrispondenza della destinazione desiderata e tenere premuto il pulsante START. È possibile arrestare il veicolo in qualsiasi momento rilasciando il pulsante.

Summon avanzato è integrato anche con la funzione HomeLink per cui è possibile aprire la porta del garage per portare fuori la macchina. Analogamente a Summon, Summon avanzato è destinato esclusivamente all'uso in parcheggi e vialetti e non su strade pubbliche. Questa funzione è disponibile nella modalità beta pertanto è necessario controllare sempre il veicolo e l'area circostante.

Nota: Per utilizzare Summon avanzato, scaricare l'ultima versione dell'app mobile Tesla (3.8.1 o successiva), abilitare il GPS sul proprio dispositivo e assicurarsi di disporre di un buon segnale di rete. Summon avanzato funziona solo se il conducente e il veicolo si trovano entrambi all'interno del cerchio blu visualizzato sullo schermo.

Navigare con l'Autopilota (Beta)

Tesla Navigare con l'Autopilota (Beta) feature in update 2019.5.15
AutoPilot HW 2 or Higher
Navigate on AutoPilot
Lane Change Confirmation: Off
AutoPilot HW 2 or Higher
Navigate on AutoPilot
Lane Change Confirmation: Off

Navigate on Autopilot consente di effettuare cambi di corsia senza dover confermare la corsia suggerita. Per disattivare la conferma del cambio corsia andare su Comandi > Autopilota > PERSONALIZZA NAVIGARE CON L'AUTOPILOTA > RICHIEDERE CONFERMA CAMBIO DI CORSIA e impostare su NO. Una volta disattivata la conferma, è possibile inoltre regolare la modalità di notifica tramite CONFERMA CAMBIO DI CORSIA.

Nota: Una volta disattivata la conferma, i cambi corsia vengono eseguiti solo dopo aver verificato che le mani del conducente siano sul volante. La disabilitazione della conferma non solleva il conducente dalla responsabilità di tenere le mani sul volante, di essere sempre vigile e di prestare attenzione all'area circostante.

Modalità Track

Tesla Modalità Track feature in update 2019.5.15
Available Worldwide
Track Mode
Without Perf Brakes
Track Mode
Without Perf Brakes

La modalità Track consente di abilitare il controllo di stabilità e le impostazioni della catena cinematica per l'ottimizzazione delle prestazioni di Tesla per la guida in pista. La modalità Track è progettata per i veicoli Model 3 con Performance Upgrade Package (pacchetto di aggiornamento delle prestazioni). Le prestazioni e l'autonomia risultano relativamente inferiori senza pneumatici e freni Performance. Questa modalità è destinata all'uso esclusivo su percorsi chiusi. Per abilitare la modalità Track durante la guida, posizionare il cambio su Park, quindi toccare Comandi > Guida > Modalità Track.

Pianificazione del viaggio (Beta)

Tesla Pianificazione del viaggio (Beta) feature in update 2019.5.15
Tesla Maps
Tesla Maps

La funzione Pianificazione del viaggio consente di effettuare viaggi di lunga durata in tutta tranquillità. Se per arrivare a destinazione è necessaria una ricarica, Pianificazione del viaggio fornisce indicazioni sulle postazioni Supercharger disponibili. Pianificazione del viaggio seleziona un percorso che consente di ridurre al minimo i tempi di guida e di ricarica. Per utilizzare Pianificazione del viaggio, toccare Comandi > Navigazione > Pianificazione del viaggio (Beta) > On.

Segnale acustico Avvertimento Collisione Punto Cieco

Tesla Segnale acustico Avvertimento Collisione Punto Cieco feature in update 2019.5.15
Available Worldwide

Quando si effettua il cambio corsia, è ora possibile attivare un segnale acustico che avverte di una possibile collisione con un altro veicolo o un ostacolo rilevato nella corsia prescelta. Per attivare il segnale acustico di avvertimento collisione punto cieco toccare Comandi > Autopilota > Segnale acustico Avvertimento Collisione Punto Cieco ON.

Ripiegamento automatico dei retrovisori in base alla posizione

Tesla Ripiegamento automatico dei retrovisori in base alla posizione feature in update 2019.5.15
Available Worldwide
Folding Mirrors
Folding Mirrors

È ora possibile aprire e ripiegare gli specchietti retrovisori esterni in base alla posizione. In questo modo, non è più necessario dover regolare manualmente gli specchietti retrovisori ogni volta che si arriva o si lascia un luogo frequentato regolarmente, come ad esempio garage o parcheggi stretti, ecc.

Per impostarli, andare su Comandi > Comandi rapidi > Ripiega e selezionare Ripiegare sempre i retrovisori nella posizione corrente. La prossima volta che il veicolo si troverà nello stesso luogo, gli specchietti retrovisori si ripiegheranno. Quando si lascerà lo stesso luogo, gli specchietti retrovisori si apriranno. Se il veicolo è dotato di HomeLink, è possibile impostare il ripiegamento automatico dei retrovisori nel proprio garage. Per abilitarla, andare in HomeLink > Ripiegamento automatico dei retrovisori nel posto macchina.


Nuova lingua supportata

Tesla Nuova lingua supportata feature in update 2019.5.15

È ora possibile selezionare l'italiano o l'olandese come lingua. Sarà quindi consentito utilizzare i comandi vocali per trovare una destinazione, effettuare una chiamata o riprodurre un file multimediale. Per aggiornare l'impostazione della lingua, toccare Comandi > Display e selezionare l'opzione desiderata dal menu a discesa Lingua.

Climi freddi

Tesla Climi freddi feature in update 2019.5.15
Available Worldwide
Heated Steering Wheel
Heated Steering Wheel

Per rendere più intuitiva l'esperienza di guida, le impostazioni del climatizzatore e per i climi freddi sono state combinate in una schermata singola. Toccare l'icona della ventola per accedere alle impostazioni del climatizzatore e dei riscaldatori dei sedili, del volante e dei tergicristalli.

2024.14 Release Notes

This is an early look at update 2024.14 and there may be additional features that are not yet listed here.

Visual Updates

Tesla Visual Updates feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide
Ryzen MCU
Ryzen MCU

User Interface v12 elevates your visual experience with the following updates:

- Immersive full-screen vehicle controls when you're parked

- Large playback controls and quick access to Recents, Favorites, and Up Next in the media player

- Expandable Autopilot driving visualizations, with a smaller map in the top right for trip guidance

- A sleeker and more compact drive mode strip and refined driving readouts

Hands-Free Trunk

Tesla Hands-Free Trunk feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide
New S
New 3
New X

Open your trunk even when your hands are full. Stand still behind your trunk with Phone Key unobstructed, listen for the chimes, and the trunk will open on its own.

To enable this feature, go to your vehicle settings > Locks > Hands-Free Trunk. Ensure your phone settings allow Nearby Interactions for the Tesla app, or open the app and go to Phone Key > Upgrade. Keep people and clothing clear of moving parts.

Requires iPhone 11+ and Tesla app 4.31.0+. A future update will extend this feature to Android users.

Preview of Sentry Mode Recordings

Tesla Preview of Sentry Mode Recordings feature in update 2024.14

When Sentry Mode triggers your vehicle alarm and records an event, you can immediately preview a brief clip of the recording on your phone.

Press and hold the notification to watch the recording. In your vehicle settings, you must have Safety > Dashcam turned on.

Requires a USB with sufficient memory plugged into the vehicle, Tesla app 4.31.5+ on iPhone, and Premium Connectivity. Preview videos are end-to-end encrypted and can't be accessed by Tesla.

Trip Progress Bar

Tesla Trip Progress Bar feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

Below the turn-by-turn list in your navigation, you'll now see a progress bar that changes as you drive closer to your destination or next stop.

The progress bar also reflects live traffic conditions on your route if you have Online Routing turned on.

For real-time traffic and road conditions to appear on your routes, the setting at Navigation > Online Routing must be turned on. Requires Premium Connectivity.

Spotify Queue and Playback Speed

Tesla Spotify Queue and Playback Speed feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

You can now sync your Spotify queue across vehicles and devices, and adjust playback speed.

Better Route Available

Tesla Better Route Available feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

Navigation now shows you, at the top of your turn list, if a faster route becomes available. It will reroute unless you decline before the option expires.

To choose how often you see these suggestions, adjust the number of minutes saved.

In your vehicle settings, go to Navigation > Online Routing > Reroute to save. To use this feature, you must have Online Routing turned on.

Wiper Controls

Tesla Wiper Controls feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

Scroll Wheel — When you press the wipers button to view wiper controls, you can now adjust wiper speed by moving the left scroll wheel up or down.

Wipers Button — When you have the wipers set to I, II, III, or IIII, you can press the wipers button to cycle through speeds.

Other Updates

Tesla Other Updates feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

- When you're parked, you can expand the browser to full screen.

- Access Car Wash Mode more quickly in vehicle settings > Controls.

- Rear passengers can now see the current trip details, time, and temperature at the top of the rear touchscreen, except when Entertainment apps are using the full screen.

- You can now swipe to delete Sentry Mode recordings in the Dashcam app on your vehicle touchscreen, or at Security > Sentry Mode Alarm Previews in the Tesla app 4.32.0+.

- When you have Valet Mode on, and your vehicle is unlocked or shifted out of Park, you'll receive a notification on your phone.

- The Vampire Survivors game in Arcade now has the "Space 54" and "Deeploreble" updates.

- Arcade includes the latest game update for Polytopia "Path of the Ocean."

- If you have no passengers in the back seat, the rear touchscreen now turns off when you shift out of Park, to reduce unnecessary energy use.

Speed Camera Chime

Tesla Speed Camera Chime feature in update 2024.14

To hear a chime when you're approaching a speed camera, turn on Navigation > Speed Camera Chime in your vehicle settings.

You must have Online Routing turned on. Requires Premium Connectivity.

Average Speed Zones

Tesla Average Speed Zones feature in update 2024.14

When driving through an average speed zone, you now see your average speed in the zone and the distance to the end of it.

You must have Navigation > Online Routing turned on. Requires Premium Connectivity.

Adaptive High Beams

Tesla Adaptive High Beams feature in update 2024.14
New S
New X

High beams now adapt to reduce glare for other drivers and cyclists.

By detecting other road users, and selectively dimming individual pixels of the headlight, your high beams stay on more often for greater visibility at night.

To turn them on, in your vehicle settings go to Lights > Adaptive High Beams.

Editor's note: This applies to vehicles with matrix headlights seen on some of the redesigned Model S and Model X vehicles, as well as the first-gen Model 3 and Model Y. It currently only applies to vehicles in Europe, but Tesla is working on adding support in the U.S.

Security Improvements

Tesla Security Improvements feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

This update includes important security fixes and improvements.

Pause Trunk Opening

Tesla Pause Trunk Opening feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

In the vehicle's new visualization, after you tap Open Trunk, you'll now be given the option to "Pause" the trunk opening so that it remains open to the current height.

This could be useful when opening the trunk where there may not be enough overhead space.

You can always set the maximum height for the trunk to open, limiting how far the trunk lid goes up whenever you're at that specific location.

Larger Speedometer

Tesla Larger Speedometer feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

The font size of the speedometer has been increased, making it easier to see.

Regen Meter

Tesla Regen Meter feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

While in full-screen, the regen bar is now placed vertically along the left side of the screen istead of horizontally on top.

2024.8.12 Release Notes

Vehicle Alarm Includes Trailer

Tesla Vehicle Alarm Includes Trailer feature in update 2024.8.12
Available Worldwide

Your vehicle alarm now also monitors whether your trailer is plugged in to the hitch.

The trailer alarm sets and turns off along with your vehicle alarm. You can disable this security feature in your vehicle settings at Towing and Hauling > Trailer Alarm.

Ultra-Wideband Phone Key

Tesla Ultra-Wideband Phone Key feature in update 2024.8.12
Available Worldwide
Requires UWB Support
New S
New X
Requires UWB Support

Ultrawide band (UWB) technology is now available for Phone Key. Your vehicle and Phone Key can communicate with greater accuracy to more responsively lock, unlock, and extend Auto-Present Handles.

In the Tesla app, choose Phone Key > Upgrade and follow the instructions. After setup, keep your iPhone Settings for Nearby Interactions on for Tesla. Requires iPhone 11+ and Tesla app 4.31.0+.

One-Time Charge Limit

Tesla One-Time Charge Limit feature in update 2024.8.12
Available Worldwide

If you're planning a road trip, you can choose the One-Time Charge option.

This option appears when you increase the Charge Limit above the daily driving recommendation.

Afterward your vehicle will automatically revert back to your previous daily driving Charge Limit.

View or Reset Tire Mileage

Tesla View or Reset Tire Mileage feature in update 2024.8.12
Available Worldwide

To see the number of miles traveled since your last tire service, in your vehicle settings go to Service and look in the upper right corner. When you get your tires rotated, replaced, or swapped, choose Reset to zero out the counter.

Rear Passenger Headphones

Tesla Rear Passenger Headphones feature in update 2024.8.12
Available Worldwide

Passengers in the back seat can listen on wireless Bluetooth headphones when watching shows or playing games on the rear touchscreen. The rest of the vehicle can continue to listen to other audio from the front.

Pair your headphones at App Launcher > Rear Display > Settings > Add New Device. To listen, turn on the headphones (up to two), open an app in Theater or Arcade on the rear screen, and hit play.

Auto Wipers

Tesla Auto Wipers feature in update 2024.8.12
Available Worldwide

Wipers now have an Auto setting that detects precipitation and adjusts the wiping speed and intensity.

Turning on Autopilot features automatically sets wipers to Auto.

Danger Zones on Your Route

Tesla Danger Zones on Your Route feature in update 2024.8.12
New S
New X

Navigation now includes symbols along your route to show danger zones.

To see this route information you must have Navigation > Online Routing turned on. Requires Premium Connectivity.

Adaptive High Beams

Tesla Adaptive High Beams feature in update 2024.8.12
New S
New X

High beams now adapt to reduce glare for other drivers and cyclists.

By detecting other road users, and selectively dimming individual pixels of the headlight, your high beams stay on more often for greater visibility at night.

To turn them on, in your vehicle settings go to Lights > Adaptive High Beams.

Editor's note: This applies to vehicles with matrix headlights seen on some of the redesigned Model S and Model X vehicles, as well as the first-gen Model 3 and Model Y. It currently only applies to vehicles in Europe, but Tesla is working on adding support in the U.S.

Speed Cameras on Your Route

Tesla Speed Cameras on Your Route feature in update 2024.8.12
New S
New X

Navigation now includes symbols along your route to show speed cameras.

To see this route information, you must have Navigation > Online Routing turned on. Requires Premium Connectivity.

Security Improvements

Tesla Security Improvements feature in update 2024.8.12
Available Worldwide

This update includes important security fixes and improvements.

Windshield Washer

Tesla Windshield Washer feature in update 2024.8.12
Available Worldwide

The nozzle that sprays your windshield when the left stalk or steering wheel button (model dependent) is held down previously only sprayed the windshield when the wipers were in the lower position.

With this update, the nozzle will spray the windshield any time the button is held for a brief period, regardless of the wiper's position.

Fold Mirrors Button

Tesla Fold Mirrors Button feature in update 2024.8.12
Available Worldwide

The Fold Mirrors button under Controls has been updated to have multiple states. The mirror now has four states:

Fold Mirrors: This button will fold your mirrors and then briefly change to 'Save Location.'

Save Location: If your mirrors were recently folded, then you'll be presented with a Save Location button that will cause the vehicle to always fold its mirrors when it arrives near this location.

Remove Location: If your mirrors are set to be folded at the current location, the button will change to 'Remove Location," letting you remove the automatic folding of the mirrors at this location.

Unfold Mirrors: If your mirrors are currently folded, but not set to fold automatically based on the location, then the button will simply display 'Unfold Mirrors.'

Connectivity Icon

Tesla Connectivity Icon feature in update 2024.8.12
Available Worldwide

Tesla's connectivity icon is now always displayed in the status bar to give you instant access to the vehicle's signal strength.

Prior to this update, the cellular connection icon was only displayed if there was low or no coverage, or if you went into the main Controls menu.

Turn Signals

Tesla Turn Signals feature in update 2024.8.12
Available Worldwide

The vehicle's turn signal icons are now easier to see at a glance. Instead of the arrow being inside of a circle, the new turn signals are now simple arrows, which better matches other vehicles.

New WiFi Menu

Tesla New WiFi Menu feature in update 2024.8.12
Available Worldwide

There is a new WiFi menu that makes it easier to connect your vehicle to WiFi. The new menu can be found under Controls > WLAN (WiFi).

The updated menu replaces the old dialog box that appeared when you tapped the WiFi icon at the top of the Controls menu.

The status icons at the top of the screen are still present to let you quickly view whether the vehicle is connected to WiFi and its signal strength.

New Bluetooth Menu

Tesla New Bluetooth Menu feature in update 2024.8.12
Available Worldwide

Similar to WiFi, the Bluetooth menu is now located under Controls > Bluetooth, instead of an overlay on the screen.

To make additional room for the additional WiFi and Bluetooth options in the left column, you can now scroll the column vertically, with WiFi, Bluetooth and Upgrades being the last options.

The Bluetooth icon will also remain at the top of the screen to quickly let you know whether any Bluetooth devices are conneced.

2024.8.9 Release Notes

Vehicle Alarm Includes Trailer

Tesla Vehicle Alarm Includes Trailer feature in update 2024.8.9
Available Worldwide

Your vehicle alarm now also monitors whether your trailer is plugged in to the hitch.

The trailer alarm sets and turns off along with your vehicle alarm. You can disable this security feature in your vehicle settings at Towing and Hauling > Trailer Alarm.

Ultra-Wideband Phone Key

Tesla Ultra-Wideband Phone Key feature in update 2024.8.9
Available Worldwide
Requires UWB Support
New S
New X
Requires UWB Support

Ultrawide band (UWB) technology is now available for Phone Key. Your vehicle and Phone Key can communicate with greater accuracy to more responsively lock, unlock, and extend Auto-Present Handles.

In the Tesla app, choose Phone Key > Upgrade and follow the instructions. After setup, keep your iPhone Settings for Nearby Interactions on for Tesla. Requires iPhone 11+ and Tesla app 4.31.0+.

One-Time Charge Limit

Tesla One-Time Charge Limit feature in update 2024.8.9
Available Worldwide

If you're planning a road trip, you can choose the One-Time Charge option.

This option appears when you increase the Charge Limit above the daily driving recommendation.

Afterward your vehicle will automatically revert back to your previous daily driving Charge Limit.

View or Reset Tire Mileage

Tesla View or Reset Tire Mileage feature in update 2024.8.9
Available Worldwide

To see the number of miles traveled since your last tire service, in your vehicle settings go to Service and look in the upper right corner. When you get your tires rotated, replaced, or swapped, choose Reset to zero out the counter.

Rear Passenger Headphones

Tesla Rear Passenger Headphones feature in update 2024.8.9
Available Worldwide

Passengers in the back seat can listen on wireless Bluetooth headphones when watching shows or playing games on the rear touchscreen. The rest of the vehicle can continue to listen to other audio from the front.

Pair your headphones at App Launcher > Rear Display > Settings > Add New Device. To listen, turn on the headphones (up to two), open an app in Theater or Arcade on the rear screen, and hit play.

Auto Wipers

Tesla Auto Wipers feature in update 2024.8.9
Available Worldwide

Wipers now have an Auto setting that detects precipitation and adjusts the wiping speed and intensity.

Turning on Autopilot features automatically sets wipers to Auto.

Danger Zones on Your Route

Tesla Danger Zones on Your Route feature in update 2024.8.9
New S
New X

Navigation now includes symbols along your route to show danger zones.

To see this route information you must have Navigation > Online Routing turned on. Requires Premium Connectivity.

Adaptive High Beams

Tesla Adaptive High Beams feature in update 2024.8.9
New S
New X

High beams now adapt to reduce glare for other drivers and cyclists.

By detecting other road users, and selectively dimming individual pixels of the headlight, your high beams stay on more often for greater visibility at night.

To turn them on, in your vehicle settings go to Lights > Adaptive High Beams.

Editor's note: This applies to vehicles with matrix headlights seen on some of the redesigned Model S and Model X vehicles, as well as the first-gen Model 3 and Model Y. It currently only applies to vehicles in Europe, but Tesla is working on adding support in the U.S.

Speed Cameras on Your Route

Tesla Speed Cameras on Your Route feature in update 2024.8.9
New S
New X

Navigation now includes symbols along your route to show speed cameras.

To see this route information, you must have Navigation > Online Routing turned on. Requires Premium Connectivity.

Security Improvements

Tesla Security Improvements feature in update 2024.8.9
Available Worldwide

This update includes important security fixes and improvements.

Windshield Washer

Tesla Windshield Washer feature in update 2024.8.9
Available Worldwide

The nozzle that sprays your windshield when the left stalk or steering wheel button (model dependent) is held down previously only sprayed the windshield when the wipers were in the lower position.

With this update, the nozzle will spray the windshield any time the button is held for a brief period, regardless of the wiper's position.

Fold Mirrors Button

Tesla Fold Mirrors Button feature in update 2024.8.9
Available Worldwide

The Fold Mirrors button under Controls has been updated to have multiple states. The mirror now has four states:

Fold Mirrors: This button will fold your mirrors and then briefly change to 'Save Location.'

Save Location: If your mirrors were recently folded, then you'll be presented with a Save Location button that will cause the vehicle to always fold its mirrors when it arrives near this location.

Remove Location: If your mirrors are set to be folded at the current location, the button will change to 'Remove Location," letting you remove the automatic folding of the mirrors at this location.

Unfold Mirrors: If your mirrors are currently folded, but not set to fold automatically based on the location, then the button will simply display 'Unfold Mirrors.'

Connectivity Icon

Tesla Connectivity Icon feature in update 2024.8.9
Available Worldwide

Tesla's connectivity icon is now always displayed in the status bar to give you instant access to the vehicle's signal strength.

Prior to this update, the cellular connection icon was only displayed if there was low or no coverage, or if you went into the main Controls menu.

Turn Signals

Tesla Turn Signals feature in update 2024.8.9
Available Worldwide

The vehicle's turn signal icons are now easier to see at a glance. Instead of the arrow being inside of a circle, the new turn signals are now simple arrows, which better matches other vehicles.

New WiFi Menu

Tesla New WiFi Menu feature in update 2024.8.9
Available Worldwide

There is a new WiFi menu that makes it easier to connect your vehicle to WiFi. The new menu can be found under Controls > WLAN (WiFi).

The updated menu replaces the old dialog box that appeared when you tapped the WiFi icon at the top of the Controls menu.

The status icons at the top of the screen are still present to let you quickly view whether the vehicle is connected to WiFi and its signal strength.

New Bluetooth Menu

Tesla New Bluetooth Menu feature in update 2024.8.9
Available Worldwide

Similar to WiFi, the Bluetooth menu is now located under Controls > Bluetooth, instead of an overlay on the screen.

To make additional room for the additional WiFi and Bluetooth options in the left column, you can now scroll the column vertically, with WiFi, Bluetooth and Upgrades being the last options.

The Bluetooth icon will also remain at the top of the screen to quickly let you know whether any Bluetooth devices are conneced.


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