2019.36.2.1 Release Notes


Release Date

November 8, 2019

Recent News

Sortie auto intelligente (Bêta)

Tesla Sortie auto intelligente (Bêta) feature in update 2019.36.2.1
Smart Summon
Smart Summon

La fonction Sortie auto intelligente est conçue pour permettre à votre voiture de se déplacer jusqu'à vous (en utilisant la localisation GPS de votre téléphone comme destination) ou jusqu'à un emplacement de votre choix, tout en évitant les obstacles et en s'arrêtant lorsque nécessaire. Tout comme la fonction Sortie auto, la fonction Sortie auto intelligente est conçue pour être utilisée uniquement dans les parkings privés et les voies privées. Vous restez pleinement responsable de votre voiture et êtes tenu de surveiller ses environs à tout moment, et de la garder dans votre champ de vision, car il se peut qu'elle ne détecte pas tous les obstacles. Portez une attention particulière aux personnes, vélos et véhicules qui se déplacent rapidement.

Pour accéder à la fonctionnalité depuis l'application mobile Tesla, appuyez sur Sortie auto, puis sur l'icône Sortie auto intelligente. Pour activer la fonction Sortie auto intelligente, appuyez sur le bouton VENIR JUSQU'À MOI tout en le maintenant enfoncé. Vous pouvez également appuyer sur l'icône de cible, définir la destination de votre choix en ajustant la carte, puis appuyer sur le bouton ALLER JUSQU'À LA CIBLE et le maintenir enfoncé. Vous pouvez arrêter votre voiture à tout moment en relâchant le bouton.

Remarque : La fonction Sortie auto intelligente requiert la dernière version de l'application mobile Tesla (3.10.0 ou ultérieure). Veuillez vous reporter au Manuel du conducteur pour obtenir plus de détails sur cette fonction.

Sortie auto avec la télécommande

Tesla Sortie auto avec la télécommande feature in update 2019.36.2.1

Vous pouvez garer votre voiture dans une place de stationnement et l'en faire sortir depuis l’extérieur à l'aide d’une télécommande jumelée. Pour lancer la fonction Sortie auto, placez-vous à 3 mètres maximum du véhicule en stationnement, restez appuyé sur le bouton central supérieur de la télécommande jusqu'à ce que les feux de détresse clignotent en continu. Appuyez sur le bouton du coffre avant ou arrière de la télécommande pour faire respectivement avancer ou reculer le véhicule.

Remarque : Pour utiliser la fonction Sortie auto avec la télécommande, Appui continu requis doit être réglé sur NON sous Contrôles > Autopilot > Personnaliser Sortie auto.

Améliorations de la visualisation de conduite

Tesla Améliorations de la visualisation de conduite feature in update 2019.36.2.1
Available Worldwide
HW 3
HW 3

La visualisation de conduite affiche maintenant des cônes de signalisation. Lorsqu'un cône de signalisation est détecté alors que la Navigation Autopilot est engagée (ce qui nécessite une capacité de conduite autonome totale), le véhicule est conçu pour suggérer un changement de voie (ou pour tenter de changer de voie si DEMANDER LA CONFIRMATION DU CHANGEMENT DE VOIE est configuré sur NON) pour éviter le cône. Comme toujours, vous êtes responsable de votre véhicule et devez faire attention à la route à tout moment.

La visualisation de conduite affiche maintenant des cônes de signalisation. Lorsqu'un cône de signalisation est détecté alors que la Navigation Autopilot est engagée (ce qui nécessite une capacité de conduite autonome totale), le véhicule est conçu pour suggérer un changement de voie pour éviter le cône. Comme toujours, vous êtes responsable de votre véhicule et devez faire attention à la route à tout moment.

Mode Arrêt

Tesla Mode Arrêt feature in update 2019.36.2.1
Available Worldwide

Un nouveau paramètre SERRAGE est disponible comme option du Mode Arrêt, en plus des paramètres préexistants RAMPAGE et ROULEMENT (comportement précédent du véhicule si le mode RAMPAGE est désactivé). Si le paramètre SERRAGE est sélectionné, votre véhicule continue à utiliser le freinage récupératif après avoir ralenti à une vitesse réduite, et enclenche la Retenue en côte après l'arrêt complet du véhicule. Le paramètre SERRAGE maximise les performances de freinage et réduit l’usure des freins en continuant à fournir un freinage récupératif à des vitesses inférieures à 8 km/h environ. Reportez-vous au manuel du conducteur pour plus d'informations.

Pour changer le paramètre du Mode Arrêt, sélectionnez Contrôles > Conduite > Mode Arrêt lorsque votre voiture est en mode PARKING.

Mode Arrêt

Tesla Mode Arrêt feature in update 2019.36.2.1
Available Worldwide
Raven Drive Unit
Raven Drive Unit

Un nouveau paramètre SERRAGE est disponible comme option du Mode Arrêt, en plus des paramètres préexistants RAMPAGE et ROULEMENT (comportement précédent du véhicule si le mode RAMPAGE est désactivé). Si le paramètre SERRAGE est sélectionné, votre véhicule continue à utiliser le freinage récupératif après avoir ralenti à une vitesse réduite, et enclenche la Retenue en côte après l'arrêt complet du véhicule. Le paramètre SERRAGE maximise les performances de freinage et réduit l’usure des freins en continuant à fournir un freinage récupératif à des vitesses inférieures à 8 km/h environ. Reportez-vous au manuel du conducteur pour plus d'informations.

Pour changer le paramètre du Mode Arrêt, sélectionnez Contrôles > Conduite > Mode Arrêt lorsque votre voiture est en mode PARKING.

Départ programmé

Tesla Départ programmé feature in update 2019.36.2.1
Available Worldwide

Avec le Départ programmé, découvrez le confort d'une voiture chauffée ou climatisée et prête à démarrer quand vous le souhaitez. Où que vous soyez (p.ex., à votre domicile), branchez votre véhicule et sélectionnez l’heure à laquelle vous désirez que votre véhicule soit prêt à démarrer. Une fois l'heure choisie configurée, le véhicule planifiera la recharge pour qu'elle se termine avant le début de l'application du tarif heures pleines (6 heures du matin) afin de réduire le coût énergétique et de garantir un freinage récupératif et des performances homogènes. Il déclenche aussi automatiquement la climatisation afin que la température de l'habitacle soit agréable lorsqu'il est l'heure de partir.

Pour activer le Départ programmé pour la position actuelle, sélectionnez Chargement > Programmer. Sélectionnez ensuite DÉPART À et configurez l’heure de départ en choisissant d’appliquer le Départ programmé à TOUTE LA SEMAINE ou seulement EN SEMAINE. Si l’option TOUTE LA SEMAINE est sélectionnée, vous pouvez cocher l’option Préclimatiser l’habitacle en semaine uniquement.

Remarque : Le Départ programmé ne pourra pas préclimatiser votre véhicule s’il dispose de moins de 20 % de batterie restante. Cette fonctionnalité remplace et améliore l’ancien paramètre Préclimatisation intelligente.

Augmentation de la puissance

Tesla Augmentation de la puissance feature in update 2019.36.2.1
Available Worldwide

La puissance de votre véhicule a été augmentée d'environ 5 %, ce qui améliore l'accélération et les performances.

Augmentation de la puissance

Tesla Augmentation de la puissance feature in update 2019.36.2.1
Available Worldwide
Without Performance
Raven Drive Unit
Without Performance
Raven Drive Unit

La puissance de votre véhicule a été augmentée d'environ 3 %, ce qui améliore l'accélération et les performances.

Accélération en Mode Démesuré

Tesla Accélération en Mode Démesuré feature in update 2019.36.2.1
Available Worldwide
Ludicrous Mode
Raven Drive Unit
Ludicrous Mode
Raven Drive Unit

Les performances d’accélération en Mode Démesuré ont été améliorées : le moteur avant produit plus de puissance et la répartition du couple a été optimisée lorsque le Launch Control est utilisé.

Pour activer le Mode Démesuré, sélectionnez Contrôles > Conduite > Accélération > Démesuré. Reportez-vous au manuel du conducteur pour plus d'informations sur le Launch Control.

Navigation automatique

Tesla Navigation automatique feature in update 2019.36.2.1
Available Worldwide

La navigation automatique établit un itinéraire jusqu'à une destination probable lorsque vous prenez place dans votre véhicule. La navigation automatique vous propose des itinéraires vers les lieux associés à des événements prochains du calendrier, vers le lieu de travail au départ de votre domicile le matin (du lundi au vendredi) et vers votre domicile lorsque vous quittez votre lieu de travail dans l'après-midi ou le soir (du lundi au vendredi).

Pour ajuster la navigation automatique, sélectionnez Contrôles > Navigation > Navigation automatique. Pour configurer l'adresse de votre lieu de travail et celle de votre domicile, sélectionnez Navigation, puis Domicile ou Travail et saisissez l'adresse voulue. Ensuite, sélectionnez Enregistrer.

2024.14.3 Release Notes

Visual Updates

Tesla Visual Updates feature in update 2024.14.3
Available Worldwide
Ryzen MCU
Ryzen MCU

User Interface v12 elevates your visual experience with the following updates:

- Immersive full-screen vehicle controls when you're parked

- Large playback controls and quick access to Recents, Favorites, and Up Next in the media player

- Expandable Autopilot driving visualizations, with a smaller map in the top right for trip guidance

- A sleeker and more compact drive mode strip and refined driving readouts


Tesla Audible feature in update 2024.14.3
Available Worldwide

Listen to thousands of Audible Originals, audiobooks, and podcasts. Pick up where you left off and listen seamlessly between your device and Tesla.

Scan the QR code to log in to your Audible account, or try it out with a selection of free audiobooks and podcasts. Requires Premium Connectivity.

Hands-Free Trunk

Tesla Hands-Free Trunk feature in update 2024.14.3
Available Worldwide
New S
New 3
New X

Open your trunk even when your hands are full. Stand still behind your trunk with Phone Key unobstructed, listen for the chimes, and the trunk will open on its own.

To enable this feature, go to your vehicle settings > Locks > Hands-Free Trunk. Ensure your phone settings allow Nearby Interactions for the Tesla app, or open the app and go to Phone Key > Upgrade. Keep people and clothing clear of moving parts.

Requires iPhone 11+ and Tesla app 4.31.0+. A future update will extend this feature to Android users.

Preview of Sentry Mode Recordings

Tesla Preview of Sentry Mode Recordings feature in update 2024.14.3

When Sentry Mode triggers your vehicle alarm and records an event, you can immediately preview a brief clip of the recording on your phone.

Press and hold the notification to watch the recording. In your vehicle settings, you must have Safety > Dashcam turned on.

Requires a USB with sufficient memory plugged into the vehicle, Tesla app 4.31.5+ on iPhone, and Premium Connectivity. Preview videos are end-to-end encrypted and can't be accessed by Tesla.

Trip Progress Bar

Tesla Trip Progress Bar feature in update 2024.14.3
Available Worldwide

Below the turn-by-turn list in your navigation, you'll now see a progress bar that changes as you drive closer to your destination or next stop.

The progress bar also reflects live traffic conditions on your route if you have Online Routing turned on.

For real-time traffic and road conditions to appear on your routes, the setting at Navigation > Online Routing must be turned on. Requires Premium Connectivity.

Spotify Queue and Playback Speed

Tesla Spotify Queue and Playback Speed feature in update 2024.14.3
Available Worldwide

You can now sync your Spotify queue across vehicles and devices, and adjust playback speed.

Better Route Available

Tesla Better Route Available feature in update 2024.14.3
Available Worldwide

Navigation now shows you, at the top of your turn list, if a faster route becomes available. It will reroute unless you decline before the option expires.

To choose how often you see these suggestions, adjust the number of minutes saved.

In your vehicle settings, go to Navigation > Online Routing > Reroute to save. To use this feature, you must have Online Routing turned on.

Wiper Controls

Tesla Wiper Controls feature in update 2024.14.3
Available Worldwide

Scroll Wheel — When you press the wipers button to view wiper controls, you can now adjust wiper speed by moving the left scroll wheel up or down.

Wipers Button — When you have the wipers set to I, II, III, or IIII, you can press the wipers button to cycle through speeds.

Other Updates

Tesla Other Updates feature in update 2024.14.3
Available Worldwide

- When you're parked, you can expand the browser to full screen.

- Access Car Wash Mode more quickly in vehicle settings > Controls.

- Rear passengers can now see the current trip details, time, and temperature at the top of the rear touchscreen, except when Entertainment apps are using the full screen.

- You can now swipe to delete Sentry Mode recordings in the Dashcam app on your vehicle touchscreen, or at Security > Sentry Mode Alarm Previews in the Tesla app 4.32.0+.

- When you have Valet Mode on, and your vehicle is unlocked or shifted out of Park, you'll receive a notification on your phone.

- The Vampire Survivors game in Arcade now has the "Space 54" and "Deeploreble" updates.

- Arcade includes the latest game update for Polytopia "Path of the Ocean."

- If you have no passengers in the back seat, the rear touchscreen now turns off when you shift out of Park, to reduce unnecessary energy use.

Auto Shift (Beta)

Tesla Auto Shift (Beta) feature in update 2024.14.3
Available Worldwide
New S
New X

Auto Shift (Beta) can now also shift between Drive (D) & Reverse (R) based on your surroundings, in addition to shifting out of Park (P).

Vehicle settings > Pedals & Steering > Auto Shift (Beta)

Speed Camera Chime

Tesla Speed Camera Chime feature in update 2024.14.3

To hear a chime when you're approaching a speed camera, turn on Navigation > Speed Camera Chime in your vehicle settings.

You must have Online Routing turned on. Requires Premium Connectivity.

Average Speed Zones

Tesla Average Speed Zones feature in update 2024.14.3

When driving through an average speed zone, you now see your average speed in the zone and the distance to the end of it.

You must have Navigation > Online Routing turned on. Requires Premium Connectivity.

Adaptive High Beams

Tesla Adaptive High Beams feature in update 2024.14.3
New S
New X

High beams now adapt to reduce glare for other drivers and cyclists.

By detecting other road users, and selectively dimming individual pixels of the headlight, your high beams stay on more often for greater visibility at night.

To turn them on, in your vehicle settings go to Lights > Adaptive High Beams.

Editor's note: This applies to vehicles with matrix headlights seen on some of the redesigned Model S and Model X vehicles, as well as the first-gen Model 3 and Model Y. It currently only applies to vehicles in Europe, but Tesla is working on adding support in the U.S.

Locking Differentials

Tesla Locking Differentials feature in update 2024.14.3
Credit Aaron Cash
Available Worldwide

You can now engage the locking differentials. On uneven or slippery terrain, if a wheel has limited or no traction, Cybertruck will direct torque to the opposite wheel. This helps the vehicle continue moving in low-traction environments.

For off-roading, choose from the locking differential options on the vehicle status area, or in the Off-Road app.

Engaging locking differentials while driving on roads is helpful if you temporarily need extra grip on loose or uneven terrain, such as getting un-stuck from a snow bank. Navigate to Dynamics > Engage Rear Locking Differential.

Use with caution as maneuverability and traction are reduced when turning. Don’t use on high-traction surfaces such as asphalt. Doing so will result in damage to the drivetrain. Refer to the Owner’s Manual before using this feature.

Trail Assist

Tesla Trail Assist feature in update 2024.14.3
Credit Aaron Cash
Available Worldwide

Trail Assist maintains a set cruising speed with minimal slip on rough or steep terrain so you can focus on steering. Adjust the set speed by swiping on the right scroll wheel. Unlike cruise control, when you brake, Trail Assist stays active and resumes the set speed when you release the pedal.

To enable, go to Controls > Dynamics > Off-Road Mode > Trail Assist. This feature won’t steer, navigate, avoid obstacles, stop, or otherwise operate the vehicle on its own. Continue to pay attention and be ready to take immediate action. Refer to the Owner's Manual for more information.

Slippery Surface

Tesla Slippery Surface feature in update 2024.14.3
Credit Aaron Cash
Available Worldwide

Slippery Surface optimizes Traction Control for driving on snowy, icy, wet, or slick roads to distribute traction evenly across all tires. Even when this setting is off, Cybertruck continuously detects characteristics of the current driving surface and automatically adapts Traction Control.

In your vehicle settings, go to Dynamics > Slippery Surface.

Ride and Handling with a Load

Tesla Ride and Handling with a Load feature in update 2024.14.3
Credit Aaron Cash
Available Worldwide

Adaptive suspension now estimates payload more accurately and automatically adjusts damping to deliver a more comfortable ride and more consistent, confident handling. Refer to the Owner's Manual for load limits and requirements.

CyberTent Mode

Tesla CyberTent Mode feature in update 2024.14.3
Credit Aaron Cash
Available Worldwide

CyberTent Mode levels the suspension, so you can now sleep comfortably on a flat surface. It keeps the tonneau cover open to accommodate your tent. You won't need a lantern with the lighting controls in the Tesla app, and Outlets stay on if enabled. Go to Outlets & Mods in your vehicle settings, or Controls in the Tesla app. The CyberTent is only available in the Tesla Shop (shop.tesla.com).

Off-Road Mode

Tesla Off-Road Mode feature in update 2024.14.3
Credit Aaron Cash
Available Worldwide

- Overland Mode now provides more consistent handling and better overall traction while driving on rock, gravel, deep snow, or sand.

- Baja Mode now improves vehicle balance and handles more freely when Stability Assist is set to Minimal.

Terrain Options in Baja Mode

Tesla Terrain Options in Baja Mode feature in update 2024.14.3
Credit Aaron Cash
Available Worldwide

Baja Mode now includes a Terrain slider for optimized performance in a variety of off-road scenarios:

- Smooth: Medium ride height and increases damping for excellent body control and responsive handling.

- Rugged: High ride height with damping optimized for rough terrain, medium sized obstacles, and whoops.

- Clearance: Very High ride height for traversing large obstacles.

Beach Buggy Racing 2

Tesla Beach Buggy Racing 2 feature in update 2024.14.3
Available Worldwide

Drive your own kart racer in an action-packed race to the finish. Careen through Egyptian pyramids, dragon-infested castles, pirate shipwrecks, and experimental alien bio-labs. Blast your opponents with an arsenal of fun and wacky Powerups.

When you play games, Cybertruck's steer-by-wire system lets you turn the steering wheel without moving the tires.

To play, go to your vehicle settings > Entertainment > Arcade > Beach Buggy Racing 2.

Cabin Overheat Protection

Tesla Cabin Overheat Protection feature in update 2024.14.3
Available Worldwide

For hot days or parking in direct sun, Cabin Overheat Protection helps maintain the temperature you set for up to 12 hours after you park. It will turn off at 20% battery to conserve range.

In your vehicle settings, go to Safety > Cabin Overheat Protection. Never leave children or pets unattended.

Customize Scroll Wheel Functions

Tesla Customize Scroll Wheel Functions feature in update 2024.14.3
Available Worldwide

Do more with the left scroll button on the steering wheel. You can perform actions like raise or lower ride height, open the glovebox, or save Dashcam footage, and adjust settings like brightness and drive mode.

Press and hold the left scroll button to open the menu and choose a function. Next time, the button will perform the most recent function you chose.

To choose a function any time you use this feature, go to vehicle settings > Display > Scroll Wheel Function, and choose Ask Each Time.

Cybertruck Colorizer

Tesla Cybertruck Colorizer feature in update 2024.14.3
Available Worldwide

Customize how your Cybertruck appears on the touchscreen and Tesla app.

In your vehicle settings, go to ToyBox > Colorizer.

Improved Turning Circle

Tesla Improved Turning Circle feature in update 2024.14.3
Available Worldwide

Your Cybertruck's turning circle is improved by 1.6 feet, making parking and low-speed maneuvers easier. This is achieved by an increase in the turning angle of the front and rear wheels.

Front Passenger Air Vent

Tesla Front Passenger Air Vent feature in update 2024.14.3
Available Worldwide

You can now open or close the front passenger air vent separately, with the rest of your vehicle Climate still on.

Tap the temperature to open Climate controls, touch the front passenger air wave on the touchscreen, and follow the instructions.

New Lock Sounds

Tesla New Lock Sounds feature in update 2024.14.3
Available Worldwide

You'll hear new signature sounds from your Cybertruck when you lock and unlock.

You can enable or disable the sounds in your vehicle settings at Locks > Lock Confirmation Sound.


Tesla Zoom feature in update 2024.14.3
Ryzen MCU
Ryzen MCU

Attend video calls with Zoom using the interior cabin camera.

Open the app directly, or join meetings from your Calendar. Shift to Park to use participant video and screen sharing. If you drive, then meetings switch to audio only.

Driver has sole responsibility to consult and comply with all local regulations while using Zoom. Requires Premium Connectivity.

Security Improvements

Tesla Security Improvements feature in update 2024.14.3
Available Worldwide

This update includes important security fixes and improvements.

New Auto Shift User Interface

Tesla New Auto Shift User Interface feature in update 2024.14.3
Available Worldwide
New 3

The Auto Shift user interface has been updated to be more compact so that it doesn't take up the entire left side of the screen.

It now leaves room above for the gear indicator, and doesn't go all the way down to allow for a larger media player.

New Media Player

Tesla New Media Player feature in update 2024.14.3
Available Worldwide
Ryzen MCU
Ryzen MCU

There’s a new media player that’s larger and easier to use. By increasing the size of the media player, Tesla is now able to fit additional options that were hidden previously, such as EQ and audio settings, the search button and shuffle and repeat options.

The new media player appears while the vehicle is parked, driving or while the visualizations are in full-screen mode.

The media player can be minimized as before, but it now remains in the visualization area as a small strip incase of going down into the dock.

Charging Display

Tesla Charging Display feature in update 2024.14.3
Available Worldwide

While your vehicle is charging, the screen will now display additional information about the vehicle's charging status.

It includes the charge limit, current power, total energy added, number of phases, and the current amperage and voltage.

There is also a new animation on the left side where the new power meter appears while driving. This vertical line mimics the vertical green lights on Tesla's Wall Connector that scroll up and down while the vehicle is charging.

Pause Trunk Opening

Tesla Pause Trunk Opening feature in update 2024.14.3
Available Worldwide

In the vehicle's new visualization, after you tap Open Trunk, you'll now be given the option to "Pause" the trunk opening so that it remains open to the current height.

This could be useful when opening the trunk where there may not be enough overhead space.

You can always set the maximum height for the trunk to open, limiting how far the trunk lid goes up whenever you're at that specific location.

Larger Speedometer

Tesla Larger Speedometer feature in update 2024.14.3
Available Worldwide

The font size of the speedometer has been increased, making it easier to see.

Regen Meter

Tesla Regen Meter feature in update 2024.14.3
Available Worldwide

While in full-screen, the regen bar is now placed vertically along the left side of the screen istead of horizontally on top.

2024.14 Release Notes

This is an early look at update 2024.14 and there may be additional features that are not yet listed here.

Visual Updates

Tesla Visual Updates feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide
Ryzen MCU
Ryzen MCU

User Interface v12 elevates your visual experience with the following updates:

- Immersive full-screen vehicle controls when you're parked

- Large playback controls and quick access to Recents, Favorites, and Up Next in the media player

- Expandable Autopilot driving visualizations, with a smaller map in the top right for trip guidance

- A sleeker and more compact drive mode strip and refined driving readouts

Hands-Free Trunk

Tesla Hands-Free Trunk feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide
New S
New 3
New X

Open your trunk even when your hands are full. Stand still behind your trunk with Phone Key unobstructed, listen for the chimes, and the trunk will open on its own.

To enable this feature, go to your vehicle settings > Locks > Hands-Free Trunk. Ensure your phone settings allow Nearby Interactions for the Tesla app, or open the app and go to Phone Key > Upgrade. Keep people and clothing clear of moving parts.

Requires iPhone 11+ and Tesla app 4.31.0+. A future update will extend this feature to Android users.

Preview of Sentry Mode Recordings

Tesla Preview of Sentry Mode Recordings feature in update 2024.14

When Sentry Mode triggers your vehicle alarm and records an event, you can immediately preview a brief clip of the recording on your phone.

Press and hold the notification to watch the recording. In your vehicle settings, you must have Safety > Dashcam turned on.

Requires a USB with sufficient memory plugged into the vehicle, Tesla app 4.31.5+ on iPhone, and Premium Connectivity. Preview videos are end-to-end encrypted and can't be accessed by Tesla.

Trip Progress Bar

Tesla Trip Progress Bar feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

Below the turn-by-turn list in your navigation, you'll now see a progress bar that changes as you drive closer to your destination or next stop.

The progress bar also reflects live traffic conditions on your route if you have Online Routing turned on.

For real-time traffic and road conditions to appear on your routes, the setting at Navigation > Online Routing must be turned on. Requires Premium Connectivity.

Spotify Queue and Playback Speed

Tesla Spotify Queue and Playback Speed feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

You can now sync your Spotify queue across vehicles and devices, and adjust playback speed.

Better Route Available

Tesla Better Route Available feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

Navigation now shows you, at the top of your turn list, if a faster route becomes available. It will reroute unless you decline before the option expires.

To choose how often you see these suggestions, adjust the number of minutes saved.

In your vehicle settings, go to Navigation > Online Routing > Reroute to save. To use this feature, you must have Online Routing turned on.

Wiper Controls

Tesla Wiper Controls feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

Scroll Wheel — When you press the wipers button to view wiper controls, you can now adjust wiper speed by moving the left scroll wheel up or down.

Wipers Button — When you have the wipers set to I, II, III, or IIII, you can press the wipers button to cycle through speeds.

Other Updates

Tesla Other Updates feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

- When you're parked, you can expand the browser to full screen.

- Access Car Wash Mode more quickly in vehicle settings > Controls.

- Rear passengers can now see the current trip details, time, and temperature at the top of the rear touchscreen, except when Entertainment apps are using the full screen.

- You can now swipe to delete Sentry Mode recordings in the Dashcam app on your vehicle touchscreen, or at Security > Sentry Mode Alarm Previews in the Tesla app 4.32.0+.

- When you have Valet Mode on, and your vehicle is unlocked or shifted out of Park, you'll receive a notification on your phone.

- The Vampire Survivors game in Arcade now has the "Space 54" and "Deeploreble" updates.

- Arcade includes the latest game update for Polytopia "Path of the Ocean."

- If you have no passengers in the back seat, the rear touchscreen now turns off when you shift out of Park, to reduce unnecessary energy use.

Speed Camera Chime

Tesla Speed Camera Chime feature in update 2024.14

To hear a chime when you're approaching a speed camera, turn on Navigation > Speed Camera Chime in your vehicle settings.

You must have Online Routing turned on. Requires Premium Connectivity.

Average Speed Zones

Tesla Average Speed Zones feature in update 2024.14

When driving through an average speed zone, you now see your average speed in the zone and the distance to the end of it.

You must have Navigation > Online Routing turned on. Requires Premium Connectivity.

Adaptive High Beams

Tesla Adaptive High Beams feature in update 2024.14
New S
New X

High beams now adapt to reduce glare for other drivers and cyclists.

By detecting other road users, and selectively dimming individual pixels of the headlight, your high beams stay on more often for greater visibility at night.

To turn them on, in your vehicle settings go to Lights > Adaptive High Beams.

Editor's note: This applies to vehicles with matrix headlights seen on some of the redesigned Model S and Model X vehicles, as well as the first-gen Model 3 and Model Y. It currently only applies to vehicles in Europe, but Tesla is working on adding support in the U.S.


Tesla Audible feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

Listen to thousands of Audible Originals, audiobooks, and podcasts. Pick up where you left off and listen seamlessly between your device and Tesla.

Scan the QR code to log in to your Audible account, or try it out with a selection of free audiobooks and podcasts. Requires Premium Connectivity.

Beach Buggy Racing 2

Tesla Beach Buggy Racing 2 feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

Drive your own kart racer in an action-packed race to the finish. Careen through Egyptian pyramids, dragon-infested castles, pirate shipwrecks, and experimental alien bio-labs. Blast your opponents with an arsenal of fun and wacky Powerups.

When you play games, Cybertruck's steer-by-wire system lets you turn the steering wheel without moving the tires.

To play, go to your vehicle settings > Entertainment > Arcade > Beach Buggy Racing 2.

Cabin Overheat Protection

Tesla Cabin Overheat Protection feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

For hot days or parking in direct sun, Cabin Overheat Protection helps maintain the temperature you set for up to 12 hours after you park. It will turn off at 20% battery to conserve range.

In your vehicle settings, go to Safety > Cabin Overheat Protection. Never leave children or pets unattended.

Customize Scroll Wheel Functions

Tesla Customize Scroll Wheel Functions feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

Do more with the left scroll button on the steering wheel. You can perform actions like raise or lower ride height, open the glovebox, or save Dashcam footage, and adjust settings like brightness and drive mode.

Press and hold the left scroll button to open the menu and choose a function. Next time, the button will perform the most recent function you chose.

To choose a function any time you use this feature, go to vehicle settings > Display > Scroll Wheel Function, and choose Ask Each Time.

Cybertruck Colorizer

Tesla Cybertruck Colorizer feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

Customize how your Cybertruck appears on the touchscreen and Tesla app.

In your vehicle settings, go to ToyBox > Colorizer.

Improved Turning Circle

Tesla Improved Turning Circle feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

Your Cybertruck's turning circle is improved by 1.6 feet, making parking and low-speed maneuvers easier. This is achieved by an increase in the turning angle of the front and rear wheels.

Front Passenger Air Vent

Tesla Front Passenger Air Vent feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

You can now open or close the front passenger air vent separately, with the rest of your vehicle Climate still on.

Tap the temperature to open Climate controls, touch the front passenger air wave on the touchscreen, and follow the instructions.

New Lock Sounds

Tesla New Lock Sounds feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

You'll hear new signature sounds from your Cybertruck when you lock and unlock.

You can enable or disable the sounds in your vehicle settings at Locks > Lock Confirmation Sound.


Tesla Zoom feature in update 2024.14
Ryzen MCU
Ryzen MCU

Attend video calls with Zoom using the interior cabin camera.

Open the app directly, or join meetings from your Calendar. Shift to Park to use participant video and screen sharing. If you drive, then meetings switch to audio only.

Driver has sole responsibility to consult and comply with all local regulations while using Zoom. Requires Premium Connectivity.

Security Improvements

Tesla Security Improvements feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

This update includes important security fixes and improvements.

New Media Player

Tesla New Media Player feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide
Ryzen MCU
Ryzen MCU

There’s a new media player that’s larger and easier to use. By increasing the size of the media player, Tesla is now able to fit additional options that were hidden previously, such as EQ and audio settings, the search button and shuffle and repeat options.

The new media player appears while the vehicle is parked, driving or while the visualizations are in full-screen mode.

The media player can be minimized as before, but it now remains in the visualization area as a small strip incase of going down into the dock.

Charging Display

Tesla Charging Display feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

While your vehicle is charging, the screen will now display additional information about the vehicle's charging status.

It includes the charge limit, current power, total energy added, number of phases, and the current amperage and voltage.

There is also a new animation on the left side where the new power meter appears while driving. This vertical line mimics the vertical green lights on Tesla's Wall Connector that scroll up and down while the vehicle is charging.

Pause Trunk Opening

Tesla Pause Trunk Opening feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

In the vehicle's new visualization, after you tap Open Trunk, you'll now be given the option to "Pause" the trunk opening so that it remains open to the current height.

This could be useful when opening the trunk where there may not be enough overhead space.

You can always set the maximum height for the trunk to open, limiting how far the trunk lid goes up whenever you're at that specific location.

Larger Speedometer

Tesla Larger Speedometer feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

The font size of the speedometer has been increased, making it easier to see.

Regen Meter

Tesla Regen Meter feature in update 2024.14
Available Worldwide

While in full-screen, the regen bar is now placed vertically along the left side of the screen istead of horizontally on top.


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