Elon says FSD Beta 10.69.2 will start rolling out today

Not a Tesla App

Staff member
Aug 18, 2022
I saw the update, but Elon never said the wider release was pushed to tomorrow. He was never clear as to who is getting it tonight.
You're absolutely right that it could mean that the public release will still happen tonight, but that's not the way I took it, especially since we haven't seen any employees get it yet.

I updated the article. Thanks for your feedback.
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New member
Sep 10, 2022
Looks like it's going out to the public. Now the question becomes how quickly will it spread. Hopefully a good chunk of us get it today.
How did you find out that it's starting to go out as a wide release starting around 1 am Pacific time? Did Elon tweet something new or did an employee that you know get it? No one on TeslaFi has 2022.20.15 as of when I originally posted this. Now some people do.
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Not a Tesla App

Staff member
Aug 18, 2022
How did you find out that it's starting to go out as a wide release starting around 1 am Pacific time? Did Elon tweet something new or did an employee that you know get it? No one on TeslaFi has 2022.20.15 as of when I originally posted this. Now some people do.
There were several accounts on Twitter that were previously on and they were the first ones to receive 10.69.2. This morning 10.69.2 went out to everyone that's in the beta program.