Discuss: Tesla’s Hardware 4.0 May Be Capable of Bird's Eye View Feature


New member
Feb 2, 2023
For me - the biggest issue will be how Tesla treat owners who bought cars since last October - that do not have USS.
We have a September 2022 Shanghai built, 2023 model - Model 3 Performance and it has USS.
My brother in the UK has a 2023 Model Y - without USS.
When new cars built this year have extra cameras, high resolution radar and new hardware 4 - they will be able to do everything that USS did and probably better.
What will Tesla do for those people with cars built in last few months without USS?
HW4 has already been deemed to be too difficult & expensive to retrofit.
Their cars have a big blind spot at the front - so without any sort of hardware upgrade - they won’t ever be able to replicate USS functionality with vision software, in my opinion.
I think Tesla should at least add the new radar module to these vehicles (I believe the radar connector & harness is still fitted and can be seen below the frunk cover.
Let’s see what happens in next few months!!
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New member
Feb 19, 2023
For me - the biggest issue will be how Tesla treat owners who bought cars since last October - that do not have USS.
We have a September 2022 Shanghai built, 2023 model - Model 3 Performance and it has USS.
My brother in the UK has a 2023 Model Y - without USS.
When new cars built this year have extra cameras, high resolution radar and new hardware 4 - they will be able to do everything that USS did and probably better.
What will Tesla do for those people with cars built in last few months without USS?
HW4 has already been deemed to be too difficult & expensive to retrofit.
Their cars have a big blind spot at the front - so without any sort of hardware upgrade - they won’t ever be able to replicate USS functionality with vision software, in my opinion.
I think Tesla should at least add the new radar module to these vehicles (I believe the radar connector & harness is still fitted and can be seen below the frunk cover.
Let’s see what happens in next few months!!
Mr Musk: Less twitter, more tesla time


New member
Feb 11, 2023
What other brand has given customers free upgrades after purchase? Just Tesla. Why would you expect them to include these things in already-sold vehicles? FSD will work as-is, the additional hardware/upgrades will make it work better, but won't prevent it from working without those things.
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New member
Feb 2, 2023
What other brand has given customers free upgrades after purchase? Just Tesla. Why would you expect them to include these things in already-sold vehicles? FSD will work as-is, the additional hardware/upgrades will make it work better, but won't prevent it from working without those things.
Because when many people ordered their cars months before - they ordered them expecting to receive Ultrasonic sensors.
These sensors helped with parking and the smart summon feature.
Then Tesla decided to remove these sensors - before they had figured out how to replace their function with software!
The only information that Tesla gave was that this functionality would arrive sometime in the future - we are now 4 months down the line with no software update in sight.
Tesla have already offered “free“ upgrades of HW computers & cameras to buyers of earlier models - so it is not without precedent.
If the current hardware on cars without USS will not be able to replace those functions with current cameras and new software - I would expect Tesla to retrofit something that will then make them work - as they were ordered by the customers.
Don’t forget - other car manufacturers have faced supply shortages and have given customers refunds for items they have not been able to supply - Tesla did not offer customers any refund for these missing sensors - just some vague promise of software in the future!


Active member
Oct 28, 2022
There must be a substitute for the USS system for those who don't have it. No one can argue that IF that functionality was part of the car that you purchased.
However I also feel that the USS discussion doesn't belong in a HW4 thread. All too often legit gripes about something else get plopped into threads about something else and dilute the discussion IMO.
As for HW4- super. Can't wait to see it. I'm particularly interested in what makes this HD radar different than the radar that Tesla abandoned recently. I can also see where this makes those of us that have HW3 a little curious about how HW3 will deliver on the FSD promise. 400k+ owners are curious no doubt!


New member
Feb 11, 2023
Then Tesla decided to remove these sensors - before they had figured out how to replace their function with software!
Sure, yes -- obviously disabling a feature post-sale is not cool if there's no replacement. But as Tesla has done in the past, it'll be made right. And I thought cars were already using Tesla Vision to replace the USS ... am I mistaken?

Tesla have already offered “free“ upgrades of HW computers & cameras to buyers of earlier models - so it is not without precedent.
Because those owners (myself included) bought FSD and that was the promise. It's a different situation than this one.


In the end, Tesla will do what's right. Else those customers can sue, but I don't think they'll have to because they'll be using Tesla Vision in place of USS.
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