What’s changed from FSD 12.5 and 12.5.1 ?


New member
Apr 12, 2024
So, I’ve been loving FSD 12.5 ever since getting it last week. I was surprised to see that I’m not getting 12.5.1 and I see a tweet that Elon announced that 12.5.1 is going “wide”. But I can’t find any reference anywhere as to what is different between 12.5 and 12.5.1. Anyone??


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2022
Good question. I'm getting 12.5.1 right now and will head out shortly, if I notice something I'll post. Sadly I do drive in a small town so on the same roads a lot so chances are good that I'm not seeing all the improvements.
My hope is that the lane selection on our state highways and local main arteries is better. That is, being in the left lane when a left turn is coming up.


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2022
I went to Lowes and Arby's which is only a whopping 13 miles or so. First thing I noticed is routing had me going out of my neighborhood the quickest / shortest route which is using a recently re-opened street (after construction). So that's better. While on the way out I switched from using a % over the SL to using the 'max' auto setting (Forget what I should call it). That setting still goes a little faster than I like at times but seemed more reasonable than before. To the point where it's still set on my car, that hadn't happened with any previous build.
While going to Lowe's off HWY 69 it got into the left lane about .5 miles from the turn which was very natural /comfortable. I believe all the previous builds this weren't as good about doing this lane change that early. The whole drive (like 2 miles) was just plain good & natural. On the way out of Lowe's I started the FSDs in my parking spot, wouldn't move until I gave it a nudge and then I was on the way. A truck started to back out of a spot in front of me on my right and the car stopped just as I was taking a swig of water. The truck also stopped and pulled back in a bit and my car just went around and continued on naturally. Very good. The stop sign at the end of that row has a very difficult view for those pulling out from it. Traffic from the left actually comes from behind you and parked vehicles & vegetation blocks the view on the left but my car did a great job with that one.
The car turned right at a red light onto HWY 69which has barricades up due to construction with confidence and understanding. The highway splits quickly after this and the car stayed in the right lane which was appropriate. This is an area where it might have wanted to be in the left lane previously. The car took me the rest of the 6 miles or so through town to Arby's perfectly. No strange / unnecessary lane changes where it used to in one spot on Montezuma street! It even turned into the Arby's lot which has a pretty steep 'soft cub' entrance appropriately. That is slow & careful!
On the way home it got caught at a left turn arrow turning red and stopped me in the crosswalk, so I backed up and reported it. Should have stopped earlier or just barely run the light :)
One more thing- on the way to Arby's I saw a guy walking on the sidewalk carrying a bike wheel. I thought about stopping and seeing if he needed a ride but the car was driving so I let it go. On the way home from Arby's this guy was crossing a 4 lane road with painted median at a bad spot, no marked crosswalk an at a good curve. My car beeped and stopped perfectly to avoid hitting him and he crossed the road. I saw that one coming more than the truck in the parking lot of Lowes and was letting the car do its thing with my foot hovering over the STOP pedal :) . That was well done.
Not the longest / best test drive but 12.5.1 does seem to have solved a few issues that I had with previous builds. No unnecessary lane changes or turn signals, smart routing.
Well done, THIS is a build that could sell more FSDs subscriptions / purchases.
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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2022
Some more stupid routing today, that's not any better unless you luck out with lanes in my case. To be fair the release notes say something about choosing appropriate lanes coming in a future release.
Still super smooth & smart. Saw a pedestrian that I didn't approaching from my right as I was pulling out from a parking lot looking left in order to turn right.