2022.24.6 is updating vehicles to Tesla Vision, although you may have missed it


New member
Sep 23, 2022
I am getting a little tired of reading articles and watching videos about 2022.24. I’m still on 2022.19. When should I expect this update?

Not a Tesla App

Staff member
Aug 18, 2022
I am getting a little tired of reading articles and watching videos about 2022.24. I’m still on 2022.19. When should I expect this update?

You can follow the statistics on this page to get a better idea, but if you're on 2022.20 and not on FSD Beta, then there's only about 11% of the fleet left on those updates, so I imagine it'll happen very soon.



New member
Sep 25, 2022
After updating and drive some hundred Kilometers i must say im not impressed.
- High beams cant be disabled in AP/Cruise control
- High beams turn on in semi-low light conditions. Even when behind another car or approaching oncomming traffic. This is illegal in my country (NL) so basicly i cant drive on auto-pilot/Cruise Control in low light conditions any more.
- Cruise control will not turn on with sun-glare
- stop and go traffic is much worse with sudden acceleration and firm deceleration


New member
Oct 2, 2022
I have 2022 Model S with radar. I am NEVER updating to a pure TeslaVision. I had another Tesla that relied solely on TeslaVision when I bought it and it was horrendously bad. AP was pretty much unusable. Even with a lot of software updates, it was still terrible. My S has no issues with phantom braking. My 2021 Tesla Y had so many I could never use AP or cruise control with the family in the car.

Maybe in a few more months it might get better but I am holding on to what I know works great. I still can use AP at higher speeds and I drive a lot of roads that have high speed limits.

Phantom braking is a real and known issue that Tesla has not done enough to fix. I am surprised nobody has been in a major accident yet.


New member
Sep 19, 2022
I am really sad that we can’t downgrade the software :(

Please let us go back to AP with sensor. As yoyasp is saying. It’s against the law in the Netherlands to use the high beam in these conditions. I am really curious what tesla is going to do. Disable AP in the Netherlands or allow the radar? Or pay every fine we receive?